|EE-025b| B1: Preliminary – Writing [Part 2a: Writing an article] – Exam Seekers
Hello Exam Seekers,
I thought that things had calmed down here, but I was so wrong. Still many things to do and so little time I have… I planned on having this post public in the morning, but… then again, I’ve been having very little control of my life these past few weeks.
What I do have control, though, is of the content that I post. So, let’s go!
Last week I worked on the Cambridge B1 Preliminary. I have already written about the Reading and Use of English, please make sure you check them out:
Last Tuesday, though, I started working on the Writing exam: [Part 1] Writing an e-mail. Today, we are still talking about the writing exam, but now it’s [Part 2] Writing an article or a story.
In part 1, candidates have to write about 100 words answering an e-mail. There is no other option. For part 2, candidates have to choose to write an article or a story based on the guideline. Candidates must write 100 words, answering the question of their choosing. It is worth up to 20 marks.
I chose to start with the article, so here are the questions:
As you can see, the article they are looking for is about films. They ask two questions to be responded to. Remember that you have to write up to 100 words or so. If you write 90 to 110 words, it’s not a problem. I’d try to use 100 to 110 words and not 90 because using the maximum number of words available usually shows that you know more. So here we go:
What kind of films do you enjoy?
I like romantic films and drama.
Do you prefer watching them at the cinema or at home?
Because at the cinema I can see my friends, and at home it’s quiet, and I don’t need to worry about people talking and disturbing me.
This is how I would answer the questions, but, as you can see, they are not 100 words long. These would be my notes, so when I put them all together, it would look like this:
I love watching romantic comedies and dramas. These are my favorite types of films. I usually watch them with my boyfriend at the cinema and at home. I like to watch in both places. I like to watch films in the cinema because of the big screen and the popcorn. But there are always people talking and using their phones in these places, so I enjoy watching films at home, too. In my house, the popcorn is not so good, and the TV is not as big, but it’s quiet, and I don’t need to worry about asking for people to be quiet.
As you can see, my article is a bit long: 104 words. And it’s a bit confusing. My advice would be: CHOOSE ONE OPTION. Instead of saying “both” to watching films at the cinema or at home, just choose one. So let’s try again:
I love watching romantic comedies and dramas. These are my favorite types of films. I usually watch them with my boyfriend at the cinema. That’s the best place to watch movies because of the big screen and the popcorn. I don’t like to watch them at home, it is very lonely, and my popcorn and TV screen are not as big or good. At the cinema, I can also call all my friends to watch movies with me, which is awesome. What about you?
As you can see, I chose one of the options, but now it’s a bit short. My advice here is: use adjectives to make the text longer and more attractive. You can also divide the sentences or words: instead of saying “I love watching”, you can say “I love to watch”. These would guarantee you extra words to your count.
Let’s try once more:
I love watching romantic comedies and dramas. These are my favorite types of films. I usually watch them with my boyfriend at the cinema. That’s the best place to watch movies because of the big screen and the delicious popcorn. I don’t like to watch them at home. I feel lonely because it’s too quiet, my popcorn is not as good, and my TV screen is not as big. At the cinema, I can also call all my friends to watch movies with me, which is awesome. Then we can share our opinions about it when it’s over. What about you?
As you can see, 99 words. Did you understand the process? This is how I would do it. Now it’s your time to try! Write your articles in the comments, and I will assess them 😛
Well, I do hope that I was helpful!
That’s it for today! Please like the post and follow the blog on:
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Have a great week,
Patricia Moura
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