DRK Blockhain , A New Digital Economy has developed DRK Cross Chain DEX

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General Presentation

DRK is a robust blockchain platform designed for the new digital economy . The race of Cryptocurrency industry started far back in the year 2009 when the first cryptocurrency was developed. The creator of Bitcoin known as Satoshi Nakamato envisioned to change the global monetary system considering the lopsided structure of the global financial system . Bitcoin is a decentralized currency aimed toward correcting the imbalances in the global monetary system . Thousands of alternative currencies has been created ever since the invention of Bitcoin to actualize the goal of bitcoin and reshaping the world monetary system . As we all know Rome wasn’t built in a day , crypto industry is a very young industry compared to Gold industry . There still exists some problems in the existing blockchain networks .Some of these problems includes Low transaction Speed, High network charges , Insecurity and low scalability . The industry experts have been working relentlessly to build a reliable standard in the industry and make it adoptable by the global masses.

In this article, i will be discussing about DRK Ecosystem which comprises of varieties of DeFi products and services . DRK platform is a game changing blockchain platform willing to reshape the entire system in crypto space .As mentioned earlier, DRK have some of the finest products which will is surely disruption to the entire Crypto ecosystem .


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DRK is a an open source blockchain network . It implements the latest advanced blockchain technology 4.0 to solve the prevalent problem in the industry . We all crypto users have been faced with problems of delayed transaction speed and high transaction coast associated to Ethereum network. DRK Chain has developed a more advanced blockchain network that will serve better than the popular Ethereum network . DRK chain is an open source blockchain network where developers , business can build their DApps and application. Startup Projects willing to raise funds for their project can easily conduct that on DRK Chain by issuing DRK-99 token .

What are the features of DRK Chain and why is the blockchain network exceptional?

DRK chain as mentioned earlier is an upgrade to the existing blockchain networks. The team of Draken having studied the prevalent problems in the existing blockchain network has developed DRK chain which is an upgrade to the existing blockchain networks. DRK chain offers high security , scalability in terms of application, lower transaction cost and high transaction speed. The blockchain architecture is quite transparent and 100% decentralized.

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DRK DEX is the next BIG thing in crypto exchange space . DEX , without any argument is the future of cryptocurrency trading . Cryptocurrency world is developing so fast and we have started experiencing what we thought are impossibilities. Some experts argued due to P2P structure of DEX integration of Fiat will not be possible .The good news is that it is happening now in Crypto space .

DRK DEX is a breakthrough DEX willing to rewrite the story of DEX in the history of cryptocurrency exchange. DRK DEX is nourished with Cross chain feature . This feature make the exchange oust-and all existing DEX which operate a single chain trading system .

With DRK Cross Chain feature , trading in multiple chain is possible. Users can trade varieties of cryptocurrencies belonging to different network on the same DEX. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Xrp, Tron , Stellar and other forms of cryptocurrencies belong to any form blockchain can be traded on DRK Dex following the blockchain protocol.

Apart from the cross chain feature of the platform . DRK Chain is a very good advantage for the Exchange and the user. DRK chain Transaction processing speed is very fast. It is capable of handling up to 5000 transaction per second. Besides, the transaction cost is very cheap , this will enable traders to trade profitably without incurring much cost on transaction fees .

Another distinguishing feature of DRK DEX is 100% decentralization . Some acclaimed DEXes failed to follow the principl of decentralization . These DEXes are partially decentralized , they are not fully decentralized because users would still have to deposit their funds into the platform wallet. DRK DEX has reversed this ugly trend . Trading is strictly Peer to Peer and transactions is conducted from Wallet to Wallet. this enable userd to take full control and ownership of their funds as long as they have their private Keys.

Users funds are always safe in any situation because they retain full control of their funds as they are not transferring funds into any foreign wallets before conducting trades.

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Another product offered by DRAKEN is an Entertainment platform powered by blockchain and leverage Smart Contract for operational automation and transparency . DRK Gaming platform is a fully decentralized one where users are treated fairly and equally . It is a Win for everyone platform where users have 90% winning potential on their staked gamed. Users can play different types of games in the platform and earn rewards as they play games. Winnings are paid out instantly .If you are a trader willing to make more profits , you can chose DRK Gaming hub and begin your winning expirience .


DRK platform is not limited to blockchain and Exchanges platform . DRK offers varieties of DeFi products which users can take advantage over . Amongs these services includes : DRK Swap , Peer to Peer Lending Services, Stacking. Crypto Loans and more .DRK without doubt is the future of DEX . To learn further about DRK platform , dont hesistate to check the official links below

Official Resources

WEBSITE: https://draken.tech/

WHITEPAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mHtV50CktdFCyD_NaH370sZ8sOBehgce/view

TELEGRAM : https://https//t.me/Drakentech

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/DRKDEX

TWITER: https://twitter.com/DRKDeFi

DRAKEN DEX https://draken.exchange/

DRAKEN ENTERTAINMENT https://www.drakenx.io/play

STAKING PLATFORM : https://staking.draken.tech/

DRAKEN BLOCKCHAIN : https://explorer.draken.tech


Bitcointalk username :koremodupe

Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2681359

DRK AddresS : 0x65722Fa90dfabD51c5914281d356221b169176D5