Dragon City Tips and Tricks (What you Should Know to Be a Pro)-Game Guides-LDPlayer


Hello! fellow dragon farmers. Dragons are fascinating beings, aren’t they? Since we were kids, we have heard many stories and cartoons about dragons. Any story becomes fascinating the second a dragon is mentioned, even though dragons aren’t real, they have the power to intrigue us, so naturally, we had to bring you this Dragon City tips and tricks – what you should know to be a pro.






Like all of us, the company Socialpoint has taken that opportunity to make a beautiful dragon farming game for us to enjoy. The game is simple and enjoyable, but if you go in the wrong direction early on, it can be a nightmare, so follow these Dragon City tips to be the best dragon breeder.


Dragon City’s Gameplay


You must first understand how Dragon City functions. Due to this, we’ll go through the gameplay before offering any Dragon City tips. Thanks to the tutorial at the start, you can learn what to do. You’ll spend a lot of time here developing and improving, just like in any other strategy game.


To provide your dragons a place to live, you must first construct homes for them. You’ll be required to build a particular environment depending on the type of dragons you have. In addition, you’ll need a farm where you can grow the food your dragons need. Food is crucial because you’ll use it to advance your dragon’s level. 


Dragon training, development, and breeding will make up most of your activities here. Your ability to defeat dragons will significantly impact whether you succeed in your quest to become a Dragon Master. 



In terms of fighting, you can pick between campaign engagements and arena battles. Because you’re competing with other people, the Arena combat is where you can evaluate how strong your dragon squad is.


Dragon City Tips One: Do Not Rush


We know as you start playing, like the rest of us, you will want to level up and unlock all the things the game has to offer. But if you rush, you will match up with the higher-level players, and the battles will be so hard to win. Nobody wants to lose all the time, so rushing the game would be a great way to make the gaming experience awful.


try to upgrade your dragons and other stuff that matters to the highest level you can, don’t worry about the decorations and stuff, just the things that matter to the game. Also, being a strong low-level player is a lot of fun; you will get to match up with easy opponents and win most of the battles.


Dragon City Tips Two: Spend Your Gems Carefully



The game has two ways to get you to spend your gems; they would be through breeding events and card packs; not everyone is lucky enough to get more than one dragon from breeding events. So don’t spend your gems on some RNG; you can do many other essential things with your gems.


For example, you can upgrade your hatchery for more egg space, or better, when there is an offer, you can spend your gems to buy an ultra breeding tree. These offers usually have 50% lowr costs than the actual price on the market, so when they are available, don’t miss out if you have the gem for it.


Besides the options mentioned above, you can upgrade your breeding mountain for a faster breeding time. These three suggestions are what we recommend with our Dragon City tips for you to do first with your gems. After that, you can spend as many as you want with other stuff like legendary cards; you can spend your gems on them.


Dragon City Tips Three: Empower Your Dragons


If you were not lucky enough to get a heroic or any legendary dragon, don’t be disappointed; you can use the Empower feature to make your dragons stronger. This is a good opportunity because you only need a pure or primal dragon to do this.


All you have to do is buy as many pure dragons as possible and recall them; after that, you can empower one to improve the damage and hitpoints. A level 40 five-star dragon with an A+ ranking has the same power heroic dragons have; the fun part is that doing this is free and needs little to no effort. 



Start saving as much gold as possible to buy pure dragons or primal dragons and collect 2000 orbs to Empower it to 5 stars. So as we said, you don’t have to be disappointed just because you are not lucky enough to get a heroic or legendary dragon.


Dragon City Tips Four: Save Enough Gems for Race


We don’t know whether we will be facing an easy or hard opponent in heroic races, so you should save gems for the next race Because Social point always releases a race every month. There will be food races, heroic races, and legendary races.


You should focus on the heroic race because heroic dragons are the strongest rarity and have the highest attack and hp in the game. Also, they are handy for battles. The easiest way for you to get gems would be a quest, events, or league and arena. Freebies island also offers some gems; keep that in mind. 


With the above methods, you can easily save up 50 gems you will need for races, and you have a whole month to prepare, so it would be an easy task to achieve. Extra Dragon City Tips will be never to spend your gems if you get an easy opponent. And check your race every day; if you see your opponent passing you, then you need to spend your gems.



There are two ways to get a heroic dragon from the race; the first way is qualifying and keeping the 1st position until the race ends. The second way is reaching lap 15 of the race; this is a guaranteed way to get a heroic dragon.  


Dragon City Tips Five: Build a Guardian Tower


A guardian tower is very useful for your island; based on their efficiency; there is a list of guardian towers you should have.

  • Jewelem tower

    – with this tower, you can get +1 gem daily.

  • Winstance tower

    – will make your dragons stronger.

  • Phaun tower

    – this tower will increase your breeding results.

  • Midbrain tower

    – midbrain tower increases your gold income.

  • Ramsey tower

    – this tower can quicken the food waiting time.

  • Broodby  tower

    – broodby tower can shorten your hatching time.

  • Damona tower

    – this tower also shortens your hatching time.

  • Hanzo tower

    – Hanzo tower will help you with training time.

  • Speedy & greedy

    – this tower is actually a quality of life feature; it will collect all the gold and food in one click.



These are the towers you should have on your island to help you in this game.


Dragon City Tips Six: Grind the Arena


Defeating other players in the arena would be the most enjoyable part of the game. Defeating other players and climbing the leaderboard has its own fun, but this is not the only thing you get by fighting in the arena. 


To upgrade your dragons’ habitat, you will require elemental tokens. To get enough tokens, you have to keep competing with other players and make a habit of fighting the arena as soon as your dragons regenerate their health. 



Can You Play Dragon City on PC?


A battle would take a short amount of time. You can do this while you work on your PC; the best way to play the game on PC would be to play it on LDPlayer, that way, you can use Keyboard Macros to do all your repeating actions with ease, for example.


Don’t you feel navigating through your farm with a small screen is tedious? You can incorporate W, A, S, and D keys with the Keyboard Mapping feature to move to different areas of the map while doing things with your mouse on a bigger screen.



Even for pay-to-win games, there are ways to get around them; not everyone wants to spend a crap load of money on a single game. Following the tips provided with Dragon City tips and tricks – what we should know to be a pro will help you do it more efficiently and become a grandmaster dragon breeder, but as with every good thing, this guide has to come to an end. We will meet you with another guide. Until then, we wish you good luck.