Doraemon: Nobita’s New Dinosaur / Characters – TV Tropes

Characters from Doraemon: Nobita’s New Dinosaur

Nobita’s New Dinosaurs

Kyu and Myu

L – R, Kyu and Myu


A pair of newly-born twin dinosaurs hatched from a single fossilized egg Nobita retrieved from an excavation ground, which he names Kyu and Myu after the noises they make. As the two doesn’t belong under any known race of dinosaurs (which even Doraemon’s future encyclopedia have trouble identifying), they’re given the name Nobisaurus after their caretaker.

  • All Animals Are Dogs: They’re both as adorable and as loyal as puppies and dotes on their master, even after growing up and are several times larger than Nobita.
  • Artistic License – Paleontology:
    • Kyu is revealed to be the most recent common ancestor of modern birds that survived the K-PG Extinction Event. Modern-type birds had already evolved by the end of the Cretaceous. He and the other Nobisaurus are also depicted as large enough for a human child to ride on, when the dinosaurs that were the ancestors to birds were not much bigger than crows.
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    • They have the common mistake of having their wing feathers attached to their wrists, rather than the second finger as in real-life maniraptorans.
    • Kyu is able to carry Nobita while airborne. In reality, he would be unable to get off the ground as while he and Nobita are the same size, he is much too lightly built.
  • Contrasting Replacement Character: To Piisuke, the Futubasaurus from Doraemon: Nobita’s Dinosaur. Piisuke is an aquatic reptile while Kyu and Myu are feathered dinosaurs that fly, and while the original movie have plenty of scenes underwater revolving around Piisuke, this one instead have airborne scenes with Kyu and Myu. Nobita’s friends doesn’t know about Piisuke until one-third into the adventure (after Suneo and Gian forced a plate full of spaghetti into Nobita’s face, causing Nobita to finally snap and drag everybody into the past); in contrast Kyu and Myu made themselves known to Suneo, Gian and Shizuka immediately as soon as they stepped into Nobita’s bedroom. And while Piisuke is being stalked by the hostile Dinosaur Hunters, Kyu and Myu is instead being tracked by the benign Time Patrol who despite their antagonistic methods, are the good guys. Also, while Piisuke’s genus is the real-life plesiosaur Futabasaurus, Kyu and Myu are an entirely fictional genus of dinosaur.
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  • Decomposite Character: They’re the movie’s equivalent to Piisuke from the original, but now there’s two of them. Personality-wise they seem to be polar extremes – Kyu being a scared introvert afraid of his own shadow, Myu a hyperactive extrovert who enjoys being active, and Piisuke somewhere in-between. Also, pink (Myu) plus green (Kyu) equals brown (Piisuke).
  • Gigantic Adults, Tiny Babies: Both Kyu and Myu can fit in a single egg as infants – upon growing up they’re almost as tall as an adult human.
  • Goofy Feathered Dinosaur: Averted, as both dinosaurs are treated as natural. In fact, Kyu becomes crucial in understanding how birds evolved.
  • Half-Identical Twins: These dinosaur twins look exactly identical, except in the colours of their feathers and Kyu’s shorter tail length.
  • Head Pet: When they’re young, they often ride on Nobita’s cranium, a lot like Piisuke before them.
  • Nice Guy: Both of them are for the most part friendly and docile. They also maintain a close sibling bond with each other, despite Kyu being seemingly less gifted than Myu (and after when his gift is discovered).
  • Pokémon Speak: Their vocabulary consists entirely of “Kyu! Kyu! Kyu!” and “Myu! Myu! Myu!” which is where Nobita got the idea for their names.
  • Theme Twin Naming: Repeat after us, Kyu and Myu.


The green-feathered male Nobisaurus who’s unable to glide due to having a stunted tail, and much like Nobita himself, is often lagging behind his twin sister Myu.

  • Acrophobic Bird: A variation. Despite being born with wings, Kyu is unable to glide, spending the entire film learning and failing, in contrast with his sister Myu who’s a capable glider once she spread her wings. He finally manages to learn to fly by flapping his wings.
  • All the Other Reindeer: After arriving on Nobisaurus Island, Kyu is outright rejected by his kin due to his inability of gliding. His attempts at making friends earns him a slash across the cheek.
  • Been There, Shaped History: As it turns out, Kyu is the recent common ancestor of modern birds.
  • Break the Cutie: And how! Being born with a shorter tail deprives Kyu the ability of gliding, and after spending most of the movie barely escaping from danger due to his handicap, including nearly drowning, Kyu then managed to rendezvous with one of the last existing herds of Nobisaurus… only for them to reject, and outright physically hurt him for being different. And then he’s thrown into far more danger when the meteorite is about to hit and is separated from Nobita when the Time Patrol arrives…
  • Catch a Falling Star: When Kyu finally learns how to fly, after spending a whole movie training himself, the first thing he did is to rescue his master, Nobita – knocked out of the sky by the ferocious pterosaur – by catching him as Nobita falls several hundred meters in mid-air. One of the most awesome moments in the entire franchise.
  • Chekhov’s Skill: Notice how he keeps frantically flapping his wings when he tries to get airborne? It’s how he finally learns to fly, better than others of his kind.
  • David Versus Goliath: The first thing Kyu did after learning flight is to out-fly the ferocious pterosaur, some fifteen times larger than him, who pursues Kyu – carrying Nobita on it’s back – across the sky.
  • The Determinator: While he initially skeptical to do it, no amount of falling, tripping, and getting hurt can dampen Kyu’s will to learn flight. And it works!
  • Dream-Crushing Handicap: Kyu wishes to glide like his sister Myu and the rest of the Nobisaurus, but his arms and stunted tail puts a roadblock upon his dreams. Subverted when it turns out this made him a flyer than a glider (proto-bird dinosaurs started flapping their wings to achieve the actual ability to fly, and developed a shorter tail to lose weight).
  • Mirror Character: Kyu has plenty in common with Nobita, with how he’s being somewhat clumsy similar to him, on top of initially shown as a failure at being glider and bullied by his kin because of it. Tellingly enough, he has stronger bond with Nobita.
  • Misery Builds Character: Part of Kyu’s development have him suffering through every single possible trauma a young dinosaur could sit through, and by the end of the film in the direst times, he finally got airborne… and is one heck of a graceful flyer.
  • Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: He suffers a nasty scratch on his cheek after being rejected by the Nobisaurus flock, which remains on him for the remainder of his screentime. The emotional scars inflicted on Kyu for being rejected by his own kind though…
  • Sickly Child Grew Up Strong: After spending the whole movie learning how to get airborne, by the time Kyu finally managed to take off and stay in the sky, via flapping rather than gliding like his sister, he managed to out-fly a pterosaur ten times his size (while carrying Nobita on his back!). One of the last scenes featuring the dinosaur twins is Kyu and Myu flying together, and Kyu is now a faster flyer than his sister.


The pink-feathered female Nobisaurus who’s an excellent glider, one step ahead of her brother.

  • The Ace: Unlike her brother Kyu, Myu excels at everything, easily learning how to glide as an infant the moment she leaps off a chair. She’s also faster, more active, and gets accepted by the Nobisaurus herd with ease unlike her brother.
  • Big Eater: As a baby she gobbled down a whole sausage, and as Nobita tries feeding her brother Myu then butts in and chomps on whatever Nobita is trying to feed Kyu with. Her appetite grows as much as she reaches adulthood.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She is protective of her brother Kyu, who came out of their egg before she did. When a male Nobisaurus slashes Kyu across the face, Myu becomes enraged and rushes to defend her brother from the offending male.
  • Extreme Omnivore: She can eat literally anything Nobita feeds her. Cabbages, pudding, sausages, bananas, cookies, oranges… and later the peanuts Suneo accidentally spilled in Nobita’s bedroom.
  • Genki Girl: For a female feathered dinosaur, Myu is absolutely giddy.
  • The Glomp: She really, really enjoys sneaking upon her master and surprise him with hugs. And when Suneo arrives with a camcorder to “record Nobita eating peanuts with his eyes”, Myu sneaks up on Suneo and tries glomping him as well.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Out of the gang besides Nobita, she becomes especially close friends with Shizuka.
  • Mirror Character: Myu has plenty in common with Shizuka, with how she presented as superior to Kyu, as well being protective and caring toward him despite his flaws. Tellingly enough, she has stronger bond with Shizuka.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: For much of the film, Myu is a very cheerful and upbeat maniraptor. When a nasty male Nobisaurus slashes Kyu on the face for being unable to glide, she is absolutely furious to the point of fighting with her brother’s attacker, ferociously baring her sharp teeth, forcing Shizuka to restrain her. She later turns vicious again when the Time Patrol attempts to have Nobita apprehended, joining Kyu in chasing them away to protect their master.
  • Pink Means Feminine: She’s a pink-feathered female dinosaur, in contrast to her green brother.
  • Really Gets Around: By the end of the film, she has gained many male admirers following her.

Other Dinos

Cole and Top

L – R, Cole and Top

Two wild dinosaurs living in a Cretaceous forest. Cole is a Tarbosaurus, while Top is a Sinoceratops. Cole started off as a fierce predator trying to devour the heroes, while Top is just a random herbivore minding his own business. But then Doraemon found some use for his Tomodachi chocolates.

Time Patrol


In his undercover form.

And then revealing himself.

Introduced as a mysterious entity spying on the heroes – in the form of a talking human-sized monkey – Jill is a spy and secret agent sent by the Time Patrol to the Mesozoic Era, to observe arrival of new Time Travelers and ensure nobody can change the course of history.

  • Alas, Poor Yorick: His office has a raptor skull that he uses as a paperweight. Which he strokes while conversing with Natalie.
  • Animal Mecha: His submarine command base, which is shaped like an Ichthyosaur.
  • Anti-Hero: Willing to ensure history runs its course, even if it means ensuring extinction of dinosaurs, including Nobita’s new pets Kyu and Myu.
  • Gender-Blender Name: His name is Jill, and it’s never really explained or elaborated upon.
  • Good All Along: He appears to be another dinosaur poacher, but turns out to be a member of the Time Patrol.
  • Gun Twirling: He likes twirling his blaster when he’s not firing it, as seen when he converses with his boss, Natalie.
  • Light Is Good: He wears an all-white standard uniform and while initially depicted as an antagonist, he is actually an honorable member of the future Law Enforcement called the Time Patrol. He is the one to convince the rest of the Time Patrol in letting the kids help save the Nobisaurus, as Kyu will make an evolutionary breakthrough that will spell his kind’s future.
  • Number Two: To his boss, Natalie.
  • The Paralyzer: His preferred weapon is a stun blaster, which can knock out Velociraptor in a single shot. He use this weapon to take out Gian and Suneo after catching them snooping around his hideout, though with the weapon’s strength being adjusted to non-fatal settings allowing Gian and Suneo to wake up later.
  • Talking Animal: His basic disguise in order to spy on the dinosaur populations is as a monkey capable of speech.
  • Time Police: He’s an elite agent and spy for the Time Patrol’s Cretaceous sector.

Commander Natalie

Jill’s supervisor and director of the Time Patrol’s Mesozoic Sector, who commands her team from their hidden base.

  • Big Good: The Commander and Director of the Time Patrol stationed in the Cretaceous Period, overseeing history to ensure evolution can run it’s course. Sadly that makes her an obstacle for Nobita and the heroes.
  • Black Boss Lady: Albeit one younger than other examples, but she’s a direct superior to Jill and a high-ranking Commander of the Time Patrol.
  • Good Counterpart: To Dolmanstein from Doraemon: Nobita’s Dinosaur. She is introduced as Jill’s employer and is sinisterly observing Doraemon and gang the moment they arrive in the end of the Cretaceous Period, but it’s soon revealed she’s a leader and figure of the authority of the Time Patrol and a legal dinosaur researcher, tasked with monitoring time travelers in the Cretaceous Period.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Once she realize Kyu is the common ancestor of modern birds, and therefore his kind needs to survive the extinction event, Natalie tells her men to let Nobita and friends do all they can to save the Breeding Diorama Island.
  • Time Police: Just like Jill, except she’s his supervisor.




Coming to the rescue!

From the Happy Flashback

Nobita’s previous dinosaur (actually not a dinosaur, but a plesiosaur), which he raised way back in Doraemon: Nobita’s Dinosaur before releasing into the wild at the end of the movie. With Nobita back in ancient times with the new dinosaurs Kyu and Myu, when the gang runs into trouble Piisuke is quick to lend them a hand.

  • Big Damn Heroes: Rescues Nobita and Kyu from drowning, delivering them to the Diorama Breeding Set island. And remains unseen and unknown the whole time.
  • Big Damn Reunion: Inverted – Piisuke and Nobita’s reunion is a rather silent affair, with Piisuke saving his former owner, dropping him (alongside Kyu) at the coast of the Diorama Breeding Set island, and then leaves.
  • The Bus Came Back: After the 2006 movie (itself a remake of a 1980 film), Piisuke returns to the franchise, though just for a short while.
  • Chekhov’s Gun: He appears as a hologram for less than a second early on as Doraemon leafs through his futuristic encyclopaedia, and doesn’t show up until more than an hour later.
  • Demoted to Extra: He was the previous movie’s main animal.
  • Grandfather Clause: He still possesses the common inaccuracies of plesiosaurs in media just as his previous incarnations, which is jarring since the other plesiosaurs in the film look more accurate (i.e. stiffer necks).
  • Happy Flashback: Nobita managed to catch a glimpse of what he thought was Piisuke, before passing out. In his unconscious state, Nobita remembers the happy times he had playing ball with his previous prehistoric reptile, and Piisuke – who had just rescued Nobita and Kyu – seems to be sharing the same flashback too.
  • He Is All Grown Up: Piisuke is noticeably older, larger and more matured-looking than his previous appearance. It’s very likely several years have passed in the Cretaceous era when Nobita and gang last released Piisuke, by the time they come back with Kyu and Myu.
  • The Voiceless: Unlike his prior appearance, Piisuke is silent for the entirety of his cameos (both of them).