CS:GO Mirage Map Guide for Beginners | EarlyGame

Mirage Map CSGOOur guide to the CS:GO map mirage. (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

If you want to get the GG in CS:GO, you have to learn a lot about the game. Besides the mechanical challenge, map knowledge is essential for any aspiring CS:GO player. You should know the most important spots on the Map Mirage and all of the advantages and pitfalls on it.

The correct map knowledge in CS:GO is essential to winning on any map. Whether it’s Smokes, Flashes or Peaks – whoever knows the map has a significant advantage. We show you the 3 most important spots for the A-Spot, B-Spot and the middle. What are their strengths and weaknesses? Which weapon should I use there? Let’s go – don’t be fooled by this Mirage!

The A-Spot on Mirage

CS:GO Mirage A-SpotA-spot on Mirage. (Image credit Valve Corporation)

The A-Spot on Mirage is a popular target for terrorists to make a controlled push with Smokes. The correct use of your utilities (Smokes and Flashes) is crucial in order to hold the spot and fend off the attack. The following positions are the most important:

Underwood and Top Wood

The strengths: Ideal for creating a crossfire. Opponents often stand with their back to you.

The weapons: Due to short distance, SMGs or shotguns are good for little cost.

The weaknesses: Susceptible to Molotovs. No possibility of retreat.

The Spot Position

The strengths: Good positions to defend the spot for a long time. Many possibilities to position yourself and take cover.

The weapons: Depending on position, M4 and AWP are the best choices, but SMGs can also work.

The weaknesses: Depending on position it is vulnerable to Smokes. Utility usage is essential.

Stairs and Jungle

The strengths: Good sight of the spot. Enemies have to get past you to place the bomb.

The weapons: Long-distance weapons are the best choice here. The M4 and AWP are a safe bet.

The weaknesses: Vulnerable to a split push against the connector. Always keep your backside insight!

The Center of Mirage

De Mirage Map Shot MitteMiddle of the Battlefield (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

The center is the hub of the map. Controlling it decides the rounds in many situations, as additional accesses to the spots can be created from its control. As a CT, it should only be abandoned in extreme cases. The following positions are the most important:

The Window

The strengths: Overview of the entire center. The greatest potential for center control.

The weapons: AWP is the be-all and end-all here. Assault rifles can also be effective.

The weaknesses: Vulnerable to the lower part of the center. Can be easily countered by a Smoke.


The strengths: Good position to dominate the center with the window. Fast rotation possible.

The weapons: Weapons with a longer distance are the best choice.

The weaknesses: Susceptible to center down attacks. Loss of the position gives terrorists great map control.

The Connector

The strengths: Ideal for exerting pressure. Good position to hold the lower part of the middle.

The weapons: Depending on the positions, everything is useful here. Even SMGs and shotguns are playable.

The weaknesses: Little room to move, only access to a few sight points.

The B-Spot

CS:GO MirageThe B-Spot on Mirage (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

The B-Spot is a popular target for the terrorists to play a fast rush. If you see an opponent there, his teammates should not be far away. As a CT, you are often outnumbered. The correct use of grenades is essential. The following positions are the most important:


The strengths: Good insight into B-apartments. Ideal for slowing down a rush.

The weapons: Besides assault rifles, shotguns can do a lot of damage.

The weaknesses: Susceptible to Molotovs. Small chance of a retreat.


The strengths: Due to numerous covers, good chances of survival.

Weapons: Assault rifles and weapons for short distances can do a lot of damage.

The weaknesses: No direct access to B-apartments. The danger of being taken into a pincer attack.

B short

The strengths: Good coverage for reloads. The ideal position to use a utility. Good for creating crossfires.

Weapons: Assault rifles are ideal here.

The weaknesses: Vulnerable to the center. Always keep your backside insight.

Good map knowledge will clearly reflect your results in the long run and practices these spot-positionings will lead to more wins. And who doesn’t like to win? If you use Angles, Smokes, and Flashes correctly, you always gain a considerable advantage over your opponent. Did you like the guide? Then look no further than:


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