College on the Cheap: Consequences of Community College Tuition Reductions – American Economic Association


This paper examines the effects of community college tuition on college enrollment. I exploit quasi-experimental variation from discounts for community college tuition in Texas that were expanded over time and across geography for identification. Community college enrollment in the first year after high school increased by 5.1 percentage points for each $1,000 decrease in tuition, which implies an elasticity of -0.29. Lower tuition also increased transfer from community colleges to universities. Marginal community college enrollees induced to attend by reduced tuition have similar graduation rates as average community college enrollees.


Denning, Jeffrey T.


“College on the Cheap: Consequences of Community College Tuition Reductions.”

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy


9 (2):


DOI: 10.1257/pol.20150374

JEL Classification

  • H75
    State and Local Government: Health; Education; Welfare; Public Pensions
  • I22
    Educational Finance; Financial Aid
  • I23
    Higher Education; Research Institutions
  • I28
    Education: Government Policy