Cheap Electric Motorcycles: Features and Benefits | Green Renewables

Emocycle Tornado 3.0Emocycles Tornado 3.0

When we talk about electric mobility we are not only referring to the electric car. Electric motorcycles are opening the way, and much faster than cars. And it is that electric motorcycles are much more comfortable and cheaper. To take the step towards the energy transition to renewables and non-polluting electric motors, a motorcycle is simpler.

Therefore, we are going to dedicate this article to teach you some of the cheap electric motorcycles so you can start in this world.

Cheap electric motorcycles as the start of the energy transition

electric bikeMoto eléctrica

In 2017 alone, 4.386 units were sold (1.816 mopeds and 2.570 motorcycles), with a growth of 188% over 2016 for the former and 223% for the latter. Although their price is somewhat higher than internal combustion motorcycles, the new regulations that have been established in large cities about pollution mean savings in the medium and long term in fuel and maintenance. This is what makes electric motorcycles start to have something more attractive.

The cheap electric motorcycle models from Spain have to compete like those that come directly from the other side of the world. China is the world’s main market for these sustainable vehicles. From the list of cheap electric motorcycles that we are going to give you below, you should bear in mind that, due to its low price, some do not exceed the maximum speed of 45km / h. This speed marks the limit according to the legislation on the use of permits to drive electric motorcycles in Spain. These motorcycles can be driven with a moped license and can be obtained at 15 years of age.

There are some models that exceed this speed and for this it will be necessary to have a B license to drive cars.

Cheap electric motorcycles

We are going to make a list of the most popular cheap electric motorcycles in these times.

Emocycles Moskito 500: 1.299 euros

This is one of the cheapest motorcycles out there. This makes its quality somewhat lower. Their main disadvantages that they have very little autonomy. It only has a power of 1 CV. Possess extrapolatable lead acid batteries that allow recharging independence of only 35 kilometers. The maximum speed is 40km / h.

At first glance it may seem that this bike is not worth much. However, it is almost perfect for a small city where we have to continually move from one place to another. For example, that person who works as a commercial and must go from one place to another can be interesting to have this type of motorcycle. What you do have to take into account is the distance to travel. Otherwise, you will have to recharge the motorcycle in the middle of the day.

Lifan E3: 1.950 euros

This electric motor is less known in Spain but it is widespread in China. Its battery is removable lithium and has a power of 1.5 CV that reaches up to 49 km / h. It is quite small in size but this makes it light and compact with wheels up to 10 inches. You can choose between quite original and striking colors. Its digital box is very well designed and has little but accurate information.

Unlike other cheap electric motorcycles, it has LED lights both on the stop and on the pilots. It also has a USB plug as standard and a kickstand that disconnects the motor.

Emocycles Spirit 2000: 1.999 euros

Emocycle Spirit 2000Emocycles Spirit 2000

This is a brand that is once again placed in the third place of the cheapest in the market. The highlight of this electric motorcycle is that it has a fairly agile and dynamic ride. It is intended mainly for city driving. Has a little more power hanging around the 3 CV and that reaches a speed of 50km / h with autonomy of up to 50km.

It has a fairly quick start-up and good stability. It has a rear wheel drive and ruins of up to 10 inches, being a slightly more advanced notion for those who do not want to suffer the anxiety that one has for autonomy.

Lectric Urban: 2.495 euros

Lectric Urban
Lectric Urban

The jump is somewhat more qualitative in terms of quality. You are a purely Spanish brand that offered a fairly affordable model. This cheap electric motorcycle is bigger and costs a few more euros. However, you can get a bike with a power of 6.7 hp and 5000W, which allows good acceleration. What’s more, its autonomy is more significant with up to 90km and a maximum speed of 92 km / h.

As you can see, this model is much more sophisticated for the price it is worth. The most striking thing about this motorcycle is that it is designed to circulate both in the city and on the road. It can support a load of 150 kg and the bike weighs 165 kg. This allows two medium-sized people to travel in it.

NIU Series M: 2.499 euros

This is a brand of Chinese origin but it is marketed in Spain in two models. On the one hand, we have the M series that is cheaper but does not skimp on futuristic design without forgetting the ease of driving. It is the one that is most often compared with the rest of electric motorcycles. Being smaller, it is very light and has a total weight of less than 100 kg. The autonomy is somewhat high around 80 kilometers and can be achieved thanks to its removable battery with a conventional plug.

Charging time is approximately 6 hours. The maximum speed of this motorcycle 45 km / h.

Emocycles Tornado 3.0: 2.599 euros

This company has models that are quite competitive in this market. This motorcycle has a power of 3CV with removable silicone batteries and a maximum autonomy of about 70km. It has hydraulic disc brakes on both the front and rear wheels and aluminum wheels. Speed ​​may not be its greatest attraction since it only reaches 45km / h. However, it is a motorcycle designed to circulate in the city.

As you can see, the electric motorcycle business is booming. I hope that with this information you can learn more about cheap electric motorcycles.