Cheap Domains » Registration starting at $0.50 » Buy now!

Although we typically offer domains at a very competitive price, it is of course completely safe to use them. You do not have to compromise on the security of your project in order to benefit from our cheap domain names. Once you have registered your domain, it is yours as long as you renew the contract and don’t violate any local laws.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t try to register a domain name that is highly likely to violate the trademark or brand rights of someone else.
  • Register yourself as the owner of the domain name – of course, you can use private domain registration if you like.
  • Check our guidelines for renewing your contract every now and then.

Additionally, there are a few ways to improve the security of the visitors coming to your website. An SSL wildcard certificate comes with every domain. If you would like to know more about our SSL certificates, check out our product specs. Shortly, we will be introducing the Domain Guard in order for you to be able to protect yourself from DNS hijacking.