Calculate the number of (working) days between two dates

Number of days until a certain date

This tool enables you to calculate how many (working) days there are left from today until a certain date.


Start date: Today

End date:   
(format: yyyy/mm/dd)


Start date: today

End date:   
(format: yyyy/mm/dd)

With our online calculator you can determine the number of days between two given dates. You can also easily find out the number of working days between any two dates. When calculating the number of working days,
our calculator takes into account the weekends but not the public holidays. The duration between two certain dates can be calculated here. The end date is always included in calculation.

If you are looking for a way to easily calculate how many days it will be before a certain date, you have come to the right place. You don’t need to take a calendar and count the days by hand.
Our easy calculator will solve this issue for you fast.

You can use our calculator to determine the difference in days between two dates. Our script is using PHP. With PHP it is possible to calculate the difference in calendar days. Our special script also
enables you to calculate the difference in business days or in working days.

Please note that the start date can’t be before the end date. The year, the month and the date entered must be a positive number.

Our calculator can solve questions such as:
How many days are there left until my birthday?

How many days until the next vacations?
How many days do I have left to meet my deadline?
How many days are there left of the school year?
How many days have we known each other?
How many days until my retirement?
How many days are there left until Christmas?
How many days have we been married?

This tool enables you to calculate how many (working) days there are left from today until a certain date.With our online calculator you can determine the number of days between two given dates. You can also easily find out the number of working days between any two dates. When calculating the number of working days, our calculator takes into account the weekends but not the public holidays. The duration between two certain dates can be calculated here. The end date is always included in calculation.If you are looking for a way to easily calculate how many days it will be before a certain date, you have come to the right place. You don’t need to take a calendar and count the days by hand. Our easy calculator will solve this issue for you fast.You can use our calculator to determine the difference in days between two dates. Our script is using PHP. With PHP it is possible to calculate the difference in calendar days. Our special script also enables you to calculate the difference in business days or in working days. Please note that the start date can’t be before the end date. The year, the month and the date entered must be a positive number.Our calculator can solve questions such as:How many days are there left until my birthday? How many days until the next vacations? How many days do I have left to meet my deadline? How many days are there left of the school year? How many days have we known each other? How many days until my retirement? How many days are there left until Christmas? How many days have we been married?