Cabrillo Business Park

An exceptional result of 15 years of planning, collaboration, creativity, and perseverance, the Cabrillo Business Park is the largest commercial development on the south coast and serves as the central hub for several internationally and regionally recognizable companies.

Our services were bountiful on this 92-acre project, from managing $12+ million in offsite improvements and negotiating integrated stormwater quality treatment measures, to revising traffic and parking studies and recommending land use alternatives. A significant effort involving 95,000 square feet of office space, research and development facilities, and commercial retail buildings, our engineering design, surveying, and site plan consulting services helped create a functional campus for more than 2,100 workers. And that isn’t all. This site boasts bonus features including basketball courts, a volleyball court, and a trail system throughout 5 acres of restored wetlands.

Adjacent to the Santa Barbara Airport and local wetlands, the project faced developmental constraints and design obstacles. Our expertise, flexibility, and coordination efforts were central in resolving such challenges, especially when the project’s jurisdiction changed from the County of Santa Barbara to the newly formed City of Goleta.

This close collaboration throughout the process allowed us to identify mutually beneficial solutions for all of the stakeholders, and most importantly, the local community.