c# – Who is using BlogEngine.Net for their blog? Does it run well? Will it scale? :P – Stack Overflow

I’ve tried dasBlog, subText, and BlogEngine.Net, and I personally think that BlogEngine.Net is overall the most solid open source .Net blogging platform. But as with most open-source project, you should expect to put it a little elbow grease in order to make it look and behave like you want. For instance, I’ve had to modify the core and recompile in order to be able to show comments on the front page of the blog.

I’ve experienced a bit of weirdness with the caching. Sometimes changes don’t show up right away. If it really started to cause problems then there’s probably a setting somewhere in the config to work with. But overall caching isn’t an issue for me.

On the other hand, the platform runs really fast for me, perhaps because caching is working well.

I’m currently working on implementing my 4th blog/site using BE.Net. I am very happy with it and am looking forward to contributing to the project in the near future. I used to be a big fan of subText, but BE just blow it out of the water. Plus the subText revs aren’t very frequent, and Haack is looking to rewrite the whole thing in ASP MVC, which is interesting, but ASP MVC isn’t something I want to have to learn just so I can skin and customize my blog instance.
