Business Simulations | StratX Simulations

What are the main benefits of Business Simulations?

  • Risk-free learning: Business simulations provide a safe platform to test decisions without consequences.

  • Application of theory: Business simulations provide an engaging, realistic environment where learners can actively put into practice the concepts they have learned via lectures, textbooks and PowerPoints.

  • Instant feedback: Unlike in real life, business simulations allows learners to see the impact of complex business decisions almost immediately, speeding up the learning process.

  • Boost retention: Business simulations create memorable experiences because learners are engaged through fierce competition & real decision making.

What do you learn from Business Simulations?

Participants acquire both hard and soft skills when playing our simulations. Most notably critical decision-making skills, working under pressure, teamwork skills, and more!

What education level is necessary for participants?

Our simulations can be used for undergraduate students, graduate students (MBA and Executive Education) and working professionals.

Is there a minimum and/or maximum number of participants that can take part in the simulations?

We recommend a minimum of 15 participants to effectively partake in our simulations, with either 2-3 participants per team depending on the simulation.

On the other hand, there is no limit to how many participants can play in a simulation.

How can I purchase a simulation?

Our simulations are licensed-based, with one license per participant. We do not sell individual licenses, only licenses associated with programs.

You first need to be validated as an instructor on our website. Go to Register to start the process.

Once you are a validated instructor, you will get an automated email with your login credentials. Log in and click the “Course/Quotations” link to complete your course information. 

Within 48 hours, your account manager will email you ordering instructions depending on if you or your participants will be purchasing the simulation licenses.