UW Bothell Course Descriptions

UW Tacoma Course Descriptions




Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

B ECON 300 Managerial Economics (4)
Analysis of economic factors affecting decisions made by business firms. Demand and cost analysis, and alternative policies from the firm’s point of view. Prerequisite: ACCTG 225; ECON 201; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 127, MATH 134, or Q SCI 291; either IND E 315, QMETH 201, Q SCI 381, PSYCH 315, PSYCH 318, STAT 220, STAT 221/SOC 221/CS&SS 221, STAT 311, or STAT 390; may not be repeated.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 300

B ECON 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics (4)
Analysis of economy with attention to the business cycle, output of goods and services (GNP), inflation, unemployment, and government’s fiscal and monetary policies. How the economy affects individuals and firms and how to deal effectively with the economic environment. Prerequisite: ECON 201; may not be repeated.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 301

B ECON 420 Financial Markets (4)
Analysis of the structure and functions of the money and capital markets; the saving-investment process and financial intermediaries; supply and demand for lendable funds and the level and structure of interest rates, role of Federal Reserve and Treasury in money market developments. Prerequisite: either B ECON 300 or ECON 300; may not be repeated.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 420

B ECON 426 Competing in the Global Economy (4)
Examines the global environment for business and the challenges facing managers in this environment. Explores the implications of the common phrase “think global – act local.” Prerequisite: either B ECON 300 or ECON 300.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 426

B ECON 427 International Finance (4)
Asset choice and institutional operations in international finance, foreign exchange problems, the impact of international financial problems and operations on business, short- and long-term international financing. Prerequisite: either B ECON 300 or ECON 300; may not be repeated.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 427

B ECON 490 Special Topics in Business Economics (1-6, max. 12)
Study and research on topics of current concern to faculty and students. Only offered when allowed by faculty availability and sufficient student interest. Seminar content to be announced in advance of scheduled offerings.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 490

B ECON 499 Undergraduate Research (1-6, max. 9)
Research in selected areas of business economics.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 499

B ECON 500 Introduction to Business Economics (4)
Factors underlying the determination of cost and prices for the industry and the firm, demand and supply analysis and firm behavior. The relation of the economic environment to the microeconomic decisions of the firm.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 500

B ECON 501 Analysis of Global Economic Conditions (4)
Analysis of real and monetary factors affecting national and international economics, supply and demand for money, interest rates and stabilization problems and policies, in relation to government policy effects on business and individual affairs. Focuses on global macroeconomic issues. Prerequisite: MBA core microeconomics.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 501

B ECON 510 Microeconomics for Managers (4)
In this course, students gain an understanding of how markets work, and learn optimal (profit-maximizing) strategies for managers. Offered: W.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 510

B ECON 520 Financial Markets (4)
Analysis of the structures and functions of financial markets and institutions; the behavior of interest rates through time; the cross-sectional structure of interest rates; and the roles of the Federal Reserve and Treasury in financial markets. Prerequisite: MBA Core Finance.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 520

B ECON 526 Competing in the Global Economy (4)
Examines the global environment for business and the challenges facing managers in this environment. Explores the implications of the common phrase “think globally – act locally.” Offered: WSp.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 526

B ECON 527 International Finance (4)
Study of selected problems in financing, international trade, investment, and foreign business operations; international aspects of money markets; problems of evaluation of foreign investments. Prerequisite: MBA core finance.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 527

B ECON 560 Student Investment Fund (1-2, max. 8)
Student directed course that requires students to analyze companies and to select stocks to manage a portfolio of public domestic equity under the guidance of the faculty advisor and the UW Investment Office.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 560

B ECON 579 Special Topics in Business Economics (2/4, max. 12)
Business economics topics of current concern to faculty and students. Offered only when faculty are available and sufficient student interest exists. Seminar content announced in advance of scheduled offering. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 579

B ECON 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
View course details in MyPlan: B ECON 600