Business card sizes

Business card sizes

A overview of the business card sizes used around the world. Please note that the european business card size is the most common size seen in europe but by no means the only one.

Business card sizes


Size in inches

Size in millimeters


ISO 7810 ID-1 (credit card)

2.125 in x 3.370 in

53.98 mm x 85.60 mm


ISO 216 (A8 format)

2.047 in x 2.913 in

52 mm x 74 mm


European business card

2.12 in x 3.37 in

55 mm x 85 mm


US business card

2 in x 3.5 in

51 mm x 89 mm


Japanese business card (Yongō)

2.165 in x 3.583 in

55 mm x 91 mm


Most business cards are printed and used horizontally, but it’s not uncommon to use it vertically. Business cards are designed with bleed.

Index card sizes


Size in inches

Size in millimeters


Index card (3-by-5)

3 in x 5 in

76 mm x 127 mm


Index card

4 in x 6 in

102 mm x 152 mm


Index card

5 in x 8 in

127 mm x 203 mm


An index card is heavy paper stock cut to a standard size. Index cards are often used for recording individual items of information that can then be easily rearranged and filed. The most common size used in both the United States and Russia is 3 x 5 inch (hence the nickname 3-by-5 card).

Business card design inspiration

Creating new and creative business card design is a lot harder than it seems when you start working on one. Most business cards already need to contain a lot of information and most clients will make you add even more if you don’t go and stop them.

Business card sizes

Example of a minimalistic business card design.

The fact that you have so little space to work with only makes this more challenging. We have collected some links to look at excelent designed business cards by other designers. In no particular order:

  • (check the business cards section)
  • Business Card photoset over at Flickr
  • Creative Business Cards from Blog Oh Blog

Also check out our collection of business card design tips & guidelines.