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1. informal Severe repudiation, scorn, or scolding.

I know I’m going to get the business when my boss finds out I lost our most lucrative account.

Johnny’s parents gave him the business after he ran their car into a ditch.

2. informal That which needs to be done or accomplished in a particular situation.

You can always count on Rebecca to do the business if a situation has gone awry.

OK, that’s enough goofing around. Let’s get down to business!

3. euphemism Urination or defecation.

There aren’t any toilets where we’ll be camping, so you’ll have to do your business out in the woods.

Make sure the dog does its business outside.

4. vulgar slang Sexual activity.

If you’re not giving your lady the business each night, then she’ll start looking for it somewhere else.

C’mon, baby, let’s go back to my room and do the business!

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