Blog: Real Dermatology Meets Reality TV

In conjunction with the updated edition of her book, The Skin Type Solution, Miami-based dermatologist, Dr. Leslie S. Baumann, will be starring in a program that will air on public television this winter.

During the course of the series, Dr. Baumann will work with six women to help them identify their Skin Type Solution.

A photo clip from Dr. Leslie S. Baumann’s upcoming series on public television.

Knowing your skin type and how best to care for it is beneficial for patients, according to Dr. Baumann. But using a skin type system can help doctors, too.

In a promotional piece for the TV series, Dr. Baumann noted that she developed the Skin Type Solution system to “quickly explain to patients what skin care products were right for them,” she said.

The Skin Type Solution is based on her experience that skin problems fall into four categories: oil or dry, sensitive or resistant, pigmented or nonpigmented, and wrinkled or tight.

Based on these four categories, Dr. Baumann developed 16 Baumann Skin Types, such as OSPT (oily, sensitive, pigmented, tight), DRNW (dry, resistant, non-pigmented, wrinkled), and 14 other unique combinations.

To determine their Baumann Skin Type, her patients (and readers of the book) complete Dr. Baumann’s detailed and well-tested questionnaire.

“I’m certain

This isn’t the next episode of Nip/Tuck or House. The six women are real people who vary in age, race, and skin condition. Dr. Baumann offers real solutions that can make their lives easier and their skin look better.

And if Snooki wants to know her Baumann Skin Type, the revised edition will be available in paperback on Nov. 23 (Bantam Trade).

– Heidi Splete, @hsplete on Twitter