analog photography — Photography Blog

My photography gear that day was a surprise. The trip had been more of a last-minute dash, so I just grabbed what was in my cupboard that day; an Olympus XA2 analog pocket camera (pictured below). It’s one of my favourite cameras ever that I often use for my own personal photography, as you can tell by all the scratches on it’s clam shell body design. This means that the body of the camera slides open to reveal the lens, a design that protects the lens much better than an ordinary lens cap. This makes it a perfect companion for when I go travelling, but it’s also very discreet for street photography and doesn’t look like much, despite having a superb lens. Annoyingly on the day, the camera was preloaded with some Fomapan black and white film. I remember being somewhat frustrated on the drive that the film was already in the camera and that I was going all this way to beautifully green Kerry to photograph the landscape in black and white! With hindsight and seeing the photos, I am delighted that I had the Fomapan film in the camera. The photos are so striking to look at and really capture this other worldly landscape so well. I feel nothing was lost despite of the loss of colour. I have always been a massive fan of the Fomapan films and have used this brand extensively for travel and street photography in South Africa. That will definitely be another post in the future.

For now, I am looking forward to when the restrictions are lifted in Ireland, and I can return to Kerry once again!