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How Ai-Marketing Works


Previously, companies hired advertising units and had to spend money on advertising channels first, when customers bought, the company sold and collected and so, the company didn’t know if it could sell or not, and had already lost money to spend on advertising. so doing it that way now doesn’t work anymore.

So now the times change and the company applies artificial intelligence AI technology to sales. The robot will sell products to the company, and enjoy a direct discount from the products sold by the robot. Robots sell goods, then businesses have to spend money on advertising.

Thus, all 5 parties benefit:

  1. Customers can buy goods at a favorable price because they skip the advertising intermediaries.
  2. Businesses sell products. After selling the product, you have to pay for advertising (Affiliate), if you can’t sell it, you don’t have to pay.
  3. People who invest money in AI Marketing company will share profits when the robot sells products 55% of the refund value (Profit is about 35%/month/invested amount).
  4. AI Marketing Company also receives a profit on each order corresponding to 45% of the refund value. Sell ​​more, enjoy more, sell less, enjoy less. No sales pressure.
  5. Advertising agencies, affiliate marketing sites have a big partner like AI Marketing that spends large advertising budgets every day.

Thus, businesses and sales advertising units both benefit, because businesses only have to pay a discount when they sell goods, and the advertising AI that sells a lot will enjoy a lot of %.

That is the fairest and most effective, the investor’s money is only for AI to spend on advertising.