aibox-reid/ at 2021.1 · Xilinx/aibox-reid
Mục Lục
Development Guide
If you want to cross compile the source in Linux PC machine, follow these steps, otherwise skip this section.
Refer to the
K260 SOM Starter Kit Tutorial
to build the cross-compilation SDK, and install it to the path you choose or default. Suppose it’s SDKPATH. -
Run “./ ${SDKPATH}” in the source code folder of current application, to build the application.
The build process in 2 will produce a rpm package aibox-reid-1.0.1-1.aarch64.rpm under build/, upload to the board, and run “rpm -ivh –force ./aibox-reid-1.0.1-1.aarch64.rpm” to update install.
Setting up the Board
Get the SD Card Image from Boot Image Site and follow the instructions in UG1089 to burn the SD card. And install the SD card to J11.
Hardware Setup:
This application requires 4K monitor, so that up to 4 channels of 1080p video could be displayed.
Before booting the board, please connect the monitor to the board via either DP or HDMI port.
UART/JTAG interface:
For interacting and seeing boot-time information, connect a USB debugger to the J4.
Network connection:
Connect the Ethernet cable to your local network with DHCP enabled to install packages and run Jupyter Notebooks
Power on the board, login with username
, and you need to setup the password for the first time bootup. -
Get the latest application package.
Get the list of available packages in the feed.
sudo xmutil getpkgs
Install the package with dnf install:
sudo dnf install packagegroup-kv260-aibox-reid.noarch
Note: For setups without access to the internet, it is possible to download and use the packages locally. Please refer to the
K260 SOM Starter Kit Tutorial
for instructions. -
Dynamically load the application package.
The firmware consist of bitstream, device tree overlay (dtbo) and xclbin file. The firmware is loaded dynamically on user request once Linux is fully booted. The xmutil utility can be used for that purpose.
Shows the list and status of available acceleration platforms and AI Applications:
sudo xmutil listapps
Switch to a different platform for different AI Application:
When xmutil listapps reveals that no accelerator is currently active, select the desired application:
sudo xmutil loadapp kv260-aibox-reid
When xmutil listapps reveals that an accellerator is already active, unload it first, then select the desired application:
sudo xmutil unloadapp
sudo xmutil loadapp kv260-aibox-reid
How to run the application:
Two types of input sources
The AIBOX application is targeted to run with RTSP streams as input source, but for convienience, we also support video files as input.
We assume the RTSP or video file to be 1080P H264/H265
RTSP source
IP camerars normally have a configuration page to configure the RTSP stream related parameters. Please refer to the manual of your camera, and configure it to 1080P H264/H265, and get the RTSP URL to be used as input parameter for the AIBox application. The URL is in the form of “rtsp://user:passwd@ip-address:port/name”
File source
To demonstrate the application in the case where no IP camera is available, a video source may be played from a file on the SD card instead.
You can download video files from the following links, which is of MP4 format.-
Then you need to transcode it to H264 file which is the supported input format.
ffmpeg -i input-video.mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt nv12 -r 30 output.nv12.h264
Finally, please upload or copy these transcoded H264 files to the board, place it to somewhere under /home/petalinux, which is the home directory of the user you login as.
Interacting with the application
There are two ways to interact with application, via Jyputer notebook or Command line
Juypter notebook
Use a web-browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox) to interact with the platform.
The Jupyter notebook URL can be found with command:
sudo jupyter notebook list
Output example:
Currently running servers:
:: /opt/xilinx/share/notebooks
Command Line
Note The application needs to be run with sudo .
Run one channel RTSP stream
sudo aibox-reid -s rtsp://username:passwd@ip_address:port/name -t rtsp -p 0
Run one channel video file
sudo aibox-reid -s /tmp/movies/shop.nv12.30fps.1080p.h264 -t file -p 1
Run multiple channels
sudo aibox-reid -s rtsp://username:passwd@ip_address:port/name -t rtsp -p 2 -s /tmp/movies/shop.nv12.30fps.1080p.h264 -t file -p 1
Note Only one instance of aibox-reid application can run at a time because it requires exclusive access to a DPU engine and there is only one instance of DPU that exists in the aibox-reid platform.
Command Options:
The examples show the capability of the aibox-reid for specific configurations. User can get more and detailed application options as following by invoking
aibox-reid --help
aibox-reid [OPTION?] - AI Application of pedestrian + reid + tracking for multi RTSP streams, on SoM board of Xilinx
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
--help-all Show all help options
--help-gst Show GStreamer Options
Application Options:
-s, --src=[rtsp://server:port/id |file path] URI of rtsp src, or location of h264|h265 video file. Must set. Can set up to 4 times
-t, --srctype=[f|file, r|rtsp] Type of the input source: file (f)|rtsp (r). Optional. Can set up to 4 times.
-e, --srcenc=[h264|h265] Encoding type of the input source. Optional. Can set up to 4 times.
-p, --pos=[0|1|2|3] Location of the display in the 4 grids of 4k monitor. Optional.
0: top left, 1: top right, 2: bottom left, 3: bottom right. Optional. Can set up to 4 times.
-r, --framerate Framerate of the input. Optional. Can set up to 4 times.
-R, --report Report fps
Files structure
The application is installed as:
Binary File Directory: /opt/xilinx/bin
main app -
Configuration file directory: /opt/xilinx/share/ivas/aibox-reid
Config of preprocess for refinedet.refinedet.json
Config of refinedet.crop.json
Config of cropping for reid.reid.json
Config of reid.draw_reid.json
Config of final results drawing. -
Jupyter Notebook Directory: /opt/xilinx/share/notebooks/aibox-reid
Jupyter notebook file for aibox-reid.
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