A Girl has to Eat – (and travel) Restaurant and travel reviews A Girl has to Eat – (and travel) Restaurant and travel reviews – A blog on restaurants, travel & all things nice!

Imagine if you could eat all your favorite foods all day long and not suffer any consequences. No weight gain, no tiredness, and no lack of energy.

It seems impossible, doesn’t it? But, actually, you can achieve it, as long as you know how to use healthy ingredients properly.

Currently, we have an industrialised food culture. We believe that the only way to make a decadent recipe is to include plenty of oil, salt, fat, and sugar in their refined forms. What we don’t realize is that none of that is necessary. There are wholefood alternatives that taste just as good, if not better in some circumstances

So what, specifically, are we talking about?

Date Bars

Dates are a type of fruit that contains around 80 percent sugar. They’re incredibly sweet, just like regular cane or beet sugar you find granulated in packets. However, because sugar is part and parcel of the fruit, the way it interacts with your body is totally different.

Making date bars is easy. Just combine them with some cashew nuts and vanilla extract and you’re good to go.

Apple, Banana, And Chia Seed Cookies

London Food blog - Cookies

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