Your Guide to Business English (4th Ed.) (菊8K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)(With No Answer Key/無附解答)









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Business is globalizing at an increasingly rapid pace—are you prepared?
This book will develop your skills in the global language of commerce—English. Whether you are preparing for your overseas MBA program or test for business English proficiency, or simply want to communicate better in business relations, this book provides vital skills and knowledge.

Each chapter begins with an article that explores some aspect of business in great detail. The articles cover any range of topics, from advertising to finance to international trade, and provide essential vocabulary and grammar structures. Be careful; the articles are not easy! They closely follow newsmagazine and business news structure and content.

Each article is followed by a series of activities designed to enhance language ability along with understanding of business-related concepts. Many of these activities are modeled on questions from the major standardized tests—TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS—allowing you to train for these tests as you develop your more general business language skills. The activities are designed to be in-depth and challenging.

Each chapter ends with a listening passage or activity that presents not only a different set of skills development, but also ideas that directly counter the ideas in the article. This will give you the chance to engage in critical thinking as you develop language skills. Enjoy the learning experience!

CEFR B2/TOEIC 785/GEPT 中高級High-Intermediate