You Need to Know the Functional Use of Business English Writing

Why need to know the functional use?

In the first place, why do you need to know the functional use of business English writing? This is because English is widely used as a global communication language. Learning how to write understandable business English will undoubtedly put you in a driving seat in communicating your commercial and financial activities impressively.

Business activities majorly deal with many disciplines, issues, and content areas. You can write and communicate such complex and complicated subject matters easily, understandably, to even a layperson if you have a powerful command of the written English language.

In expressing yourself, spoken English differs from written English. Mastering skills for the written word, such as correct word usage for a business task, help deal with your customers and audience and keep them informed. You can write emails, letters, presentations, proposals, and other documents impressively with ease when you have this kind of word power.

Your customers and audience

For your business, customers or consumers commonly mean those who purchase your goods or services for their use. Customers can be individuals, groups, and other business houses. Your audience can include internal and external people, stakeholders, prospective customers, institutions, customers, suppliers, dealers, and whoever is dealing with you directly or indirectly in your business. Thus, everyone or anyone could be the audience for your business.

What is business English Writing?

Communicating business needs in English is commonly termed Business English. It is the universal language used in commercial communication, internet navigating language, and a browsing tool to gain knowledge.

Your business writing communicates with the internal audience or external audience or with a particular sector, industry, market, region, institution, etc. In short, if you mix up your communication meant to one with the other, you may struggle to manage the affects. So you need varying degrees of business writing for different categories of audiences.

Varieties of English

There are multi-dimensional and multi-cultural communities. There are also different dialects and multi-linguists. These people are unlikely to understand single-dimensional writing. You may deal with many of these different audiences for doing your business. Hence, there is a need to focus on the perspective and communicative writing suitable to your target audience.

Varieties of English

Varieties of English

Although there are many more varieties of English specific to countries, British English and American English are commonly used. The differences in the said two varieties are pronunciations, certain spellings, and vocabulary, with minor differences in grammar usage. While using these varieties in your business writing for the targeted audience, maintain consistency in view of the differences.

Non-native vs. native English speakers

Today, there are more non-native English speakers than native English speakers. Now it does not confine to one culture, but multi cultures use the English language in their daily use when they live in foreign lands. Make sure that whoever you’re doing business with understands the type of communication you’re using.

Non-native speakers of English-May learn English in any of the listed categories

Non-native speakers of English-May learn English in any of the listed categories

Hope you have understood the functional use of the English language and its effective use in your business writing. Build your success by getting things right or else you can face misunderstandings, miscommunications, and thereby possible failures. It is important to understand how people understand the written word that explains to them your communication when you are not physically present with them to explain it.

One helpful hint

Develop your in-house writing style guides specific to different cultures if you have to deal with more than one culture for your business. Your team can thus need not struggle with business correspondence while maintaining uniformity.