Yandere Sleuth — New Blog Post!

Muja Kina, Mida Rana and Hanako Yamada. Rivals controversy (Yandere Simulator)

Just like to start by saying I’m a huge fan of Yandere simulator. I cannot wait for it to become a full game.

I just noticed there’s some controversy when it comes to some rivals in the game.

I just want to put some light to these rivals and makes some people in the fandom realize that they aren’t as bad as you think!

By all means everyone has their own opinions and can choose to like or hate these three rivals which I will mention now.

I’m of course talking about the nurse rival (Muja Kina) / the teacher rival (Mida Rana) / and senpai’s little sister (Hanako Yamada)

So here we go!

Let’s talk about Muja Kina first!

Muja Kina is the substitute nurse at Akademi High on the sixth week of gameplay. A lot of people tend to think she’s interested in Senpai but that’s not the case at all at least not at first.

You see Senpai will be sick during this week when Muja is in school.

She’s quite young since she’s probably still training to become an oficial nurse so there isn’t much of an age gap. Let’s not forget Taro Yamada (senpai) is in fact 18 and if I have to take a guess Muja is in her early 20’s.

But here is what most people don’t realize is that Muja is described as a clumsy air head with a kind heart.

She often causes more trouble then fixes them but she always has good intentions.

If she ever seems to be flirty or anything like that I believe it’s accidental since she’s such an airhead.

I believe Senpai is the one who develops feelings with her for her personality.

It’s probable that as the week goes on Muja starts liking senpai.

To me Muja Kina is not a horrible person at all. She’s not a “slut” or a predator. If anything she’s lovely in my opinion.

Okay now let’s talk about the teacher Mida Rana!

Simular to Muja the nurse she will also be a substitute.

Unlike Muja, her intentions are unpure and she likes having the attention of teenage boys which causes a lot of controversy.

But I like to think Mida doesn’t try anything with her “prey”. To me, she only likes the attention. She likes people looking at her and thinking wow she’s sexy, pretty, beautiful, hot etc.

I don’t think Mida actually loves Senpai. I think she sees him like every boy in the school with lust in her eyes.

I like to think Senpai has a crush on her like anyone would have a crush on this teacher in this school.

Therefore Ayano ( Yandere-chan) feels the need to get rid of her since she thinks she’ll try something on Senpai.

I could be wrong with this one however. She could possibly try something but if that’s the case I won’t hesitate to kill her. But I still find her character interesting just not like-able.

All out of people assume that every rival in the game is in love with Senpai.

I don’t think that’s the case with all of them especially his sister! I know for a fact that Hanako is NOT in love with her brother!

It’s NOT incest!!

Remember you are playing a psychopath with no emotions, no empathy. Ayano would get rid of ANY girl that will take away Senpai’s attention from her. She’ll do whatever it takes. Remember it’s just a brother sister kind of love.

Yes Hanako is attatched to her brother and loves him but it’s not like that! She just admires her brother and looks up to him. She fears that another girl in her life would take all his attention away. I like to think that maybe Hanako lacks attention, love, affection and support from everyone else in her life including her parents. Senpai is the only one in her life to provide her these things. I think that’s why she’s so attached to him.

That’s all I have to say!

I hope you liked this blog and remember you can choose to like or hate any rival in the game. It’s up to you!

We’re not obliged to like every character there is in the game.

But remember Yanderedev created an amazing game so far with such unique and interesting characters. And what is not to love about that?

What all started as a simple anime school girl character model in the unity asset store turned into a whole world. I am very prouf of Yanderedev and can’t wait to see what the future of this game holds!

Reblogs are greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading and following the developement of Yandere Simulator.