Women in Business in Germany | Work Life | MumAbroad

Work Life Germany

Despite its forward-thinking, practical outlook, there can be a traditional mindset about the role of Women in Business in Germany and their roles within the workplace and as mothers, which has yet to be fully overcome. Compared to their European peers, fewer German women work full time, as the German system still tends to favour fathers in full-time employment, with most mothers returning to work only part-time or not at all.

These traditional attitudes have undoubtedly played a role in women pushing the glass ceiling and seeking new business opportunities, with many more women in business in Germany today than there were even 15 years ago. German family policy and culture have evolved tremendously in that time to become more encouraging of gender balance in the workplace and co-parenting within families, according to a report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Policies supporting families and promoting equal partnership among parents include parental leave reform, public investment in childcare and cooperation with the private sector to improve flexible working options and teleworking, resulting in increased business opportunities for mums in Germany. Germany does have further to go in supporting busy mums who juggle work and family life, but these tangible improvements are encouraging.

There has been a notable increase in online, home based business ideas for mums across Germany too, with many successful women entrepreneurs. Many mumpreneurs in Germany are following their passion, applying their skills and knowledge to online marketplaces and social media. With more mum owned businesses than ever before, Germany’s cities are evolving, with a marked increase in organised networking groups and physical spaces encouraging and facilitating entrepreneurship (though there can be fewer English speaking meetups and groups in Germany compared to some international communities abroad).

Work Happy Mums is an organisation working to bring sustained change for women in business in Germany. They support women with practical skills and networking opportunities and equally champion women within many different companies to ensure that female employees and entrepreneurs are able to fulfil their ambitions and access exciting professional opportunities. Coworker.com currently lists hundreds of co-working spaces across the country for start-ups, digital nomads and freelancers, showing a Germany-wide shift towards a more flexible, personalised approach to working life.

At MumAbroad.com, we strive to support female entrepreneurs and women in business in Germany through our online community. Do please get in touch if you would like to enquire about any of the services or products listed below.

Please do also let us know if you would like your business to be featured by contacting us at [email protected]