Why a Positive Brand Image is Important For Your Business – Big Corner Creative

Creating and maintaining a strong brand image might be more important than you think. The image of your brand can have a major impact on what customers think about your products and how they interact with your company. The interactions a customer can have with a company goes far beyond a sale. This can include other elements such as the service they receive, the visual elements they are exposed to, and other factors that create an overall experience customers receive that they are able to identify and relate with. By increasing the image of your brand and boosting customer relationships, you can create a lasting effect on your customers as well as some new opportunities for your company.

First Impressions Matter

The brand image of a company is the perception of the brand that a customer may have. This perception is created from the interactions the customer has previously had with the company, from the first time they had heard the company name, to the most recent purchase they made. Just like first impressions matter when meeting new people, the first impressions of a brand matter too. When meeting with a new client, you wouldn’t go into the meeting looking messy and unorganized. The same goes for your brand. Creating a high-quality experience from the beginning will set the bar high and give your customers have a good first impression of your brand so that they will have a better perception of your company early on. A good first impression with new customers will show them that your company is one that they can rely on.

Customer Relationships

A brand image is more than just the visual elements of your company. A brand image also comes from the quality of service from your company. When advertising, it is important to think about how you can build a relationship with your customer, not just sell them a product. Customers like brands they can relate to. When they can feel like the brand is an extended version of themselves and identify closely with the brand, they become loyal customers who come back often. If customers can identify brands as having values, this personifies the brand as a brand that cares about the customers and other issues, instead of one that only wants to make money.

Customer Loyalty/Retention

A strong brand image can create credibility and customer loyalty for your company. When a brand is known for delivering what they promise, customers will begin to trust the brand. This can increase customer retention and how often they return. Brands can also attract new customers by maintaining a positive brand image and by continuously meeting or exceeding customer expectations. This can be especially important when launching a new product. By having a loyal customer base, it will be easier to introduce a new product to the public and loyal customers will be the first ones to test out the product. Additionally, loyal customers will talk about their favorite companies and brands, creating a chain of marketing that will continue to strengthen the relationship a company has with current and new customers.

Creating a Positive Brand Image

To create a positive brand image, you first need to identify the goals of the business as well as the brand identity of your company. When trying to build a brand image, the goals of the business will help focus marketing efforts. Once the goals are determined, you can start to define the brand image of your company. This should focus on the key differentiators of your product or service. Do you want to be known for your low cost? Do you have the highest quality? By focusing on differentiating your company, this will help you stand out from the competition.

Once the foundation of your brand image has been established, you can focus on the marketing activities to promote your brand. By using integrated marketing, you can create a seamless and consistent experience for your customers. A few elements that are important when delivering a consistent message to boost the image of your brand are:

–        Social Media: Social media can be a valuable tool when trying to get your message in front of your target audience. A strong social media presence can increase your brand awareness as well as contribute to your brand image because of the ease of sharing, liking and commenting.

–        Search Advertising: Search advertising can be a useful tool when trying to reach your customers when they are on the internet searching for topics related to your brand. Search Engine Optimization can improve the chances of customers seeing your site first in the search results. To better understand how SEO works, check out our other posts on SEO basics.

–        Public Relations: Public relations use the media to attract public interest in a product or company. By using PR, you can increase your brand awareness as well as increase the positive image of a brand within the mind of the consumer. Since the message comes from outside of the company, a consumer might be more willing to trust and accept the content instead of seeing it as an advertisement.  

–       Content: The content is what customers see and how your message is delivered. By creating content that your customers can relate to, you can have a lasting impact on your customers, which in turn creates a strong brand image. Creating valuable content is a critical factor for delivering your message. Check out our other blog posts on 3 steps to creating awesome content.

Creating a positive brand image might be more important than you think. With a strong brand image, you can have higher customer retention and attract new customers who will also become loyal to your brand. Using a consistent message throughout your promotional efforts will create a stronger brand image, but it also takes time and dedication. However, it is worth the effort to create a strong, positive brand image that customers can identify and relate with.