What makes Superblog a great Ghost Alternative

WordPress which started as a blogging platform became much more than that. When Ghost started as a beautiful open-source alternative to WordPress blogs, everyone loved the refreshing UI/UX. Turns out, Ghost evolved into something bigger too.

Find out why you should consider Superblog as a light-weight and super fast Ghost Alternative for your business blog.


Superblog vs Ghost: What are the differences?

Publishers vs Businesses

Ghost is targeting publishers who want to charge their audience. Write content, put a pay-wall and charge your readers to get revenues. However, several personal blogs and business blogs still use Ghost.

Superblog is built with startups and businesses in mind. All the best practices are built-in. The tools like automatic SEO optimization, Speed optimization, lead-gen forms, and CTAs that are required to run a successful business blog are available with superblog out-of-the-box.

Avoid setup and maintenance

Ghost is very complex to setup. You need to find a cloud host for a server, install Ghost software (open-source) and maintain it safely so that the server, database, and software are up and running all the time. On the other hand, you can choose the Ghost cloud version to avoid setup but you still need to optimize your Ghost blog so that it loads fast and SEO is optimized.

Superblog is a managed blogging solution. You will never have to worry about setup or maintenance. You can focus on writing content peacefully!

Superblog can be used on a subdirectory easily

Using a blog on subdomain (blog.example.com) vs subdirectory (example.com/blog) is one of the most debated topics in the world of SEO. If you use Ghost open source version it is very tough connect your domaina’s subdirectory to your Ghost blog. On the other hand you need to shell out $31/mo to use Ghost cloud version on your domain’s subdirectory.

Superblog can be used on your domain’s subdirectory very easily! It just costs $9/mo! :).

Superblog is always fast

Ghost blogs (open-source) require optimization and speed-tuning so that your blog performs fast. If the traffic increases for your ghost blog then you need to make the performance/speed remains the same. For Ghost cloud versions, you might still need to work on optimizing the theme, and plugins to ensure blog loading speed.

Superblog remains fast, always. Even if you publish a lot of content or your blog gets a huge traffic spike, Superblog will load extremely fast. And speed is a direct ranking factor for Google.

Light-weight vs heavy

Ghost is a heavy blogging engine. The themes and plugins you use may add more bloat to the page. This will impact your page loading time and cause low scores in Google Lighthouse + Core Web Vitals Audits. This will impact your search ranking.

Superblog is a very lightweight alternative to Ghost blogs. It scores really well in Google Lighthouse Audits.

Auto SEO-optimization

Superblog automatically optimizes your blog for SEO. You don’t need to worry about installing multiple plugins and hiring experts. You can do an official Google Audit on https://web.dev/measure for your own Ghost blog and Superblog (https://superblog.ai/blog) to see the difference.

Auto image-optimization

Superblog automatically reduces the size the images uploaded to your blog. Your images are stored on CDN so that your blog readers can load the images almost instantly.

Built-in best practices

Superblog has excellently placed lead-gen forms, Call-to-Action buttons, and Product description boxes built-in. Even the design, fonts, and layout are optimized automatically according to research studies.

Beautiful reading experience

Blogs are meant for reading. A good blog looks and feels like a book. Superblog tries to provide an experience as close as reading a book for your blog visitors. They tend to spend more time if the blog is highly readable. This increases the “Time on Page” metric which is a great signal to Google that your visitors love your blog.

Ghost blog is also absolutely beautiful out-of-the-box. However, there is a certain amount of effort – to get the layout, design, fonts, spacing, and reading experience right. Instead of doing that yourself or hiring UI/UX designers, you can dive into writing amazing blog posts because Superblog has a beautiful reading experience setup already for you!