What is fiber internet?

Once these super-fast pulses of light reach their destination, they are converted into electrical output that your devices can understand and use. This is performed by a special piece of equipment called the optical network terminal, which then sends the signal through an Ethernet connection to the user. The stretch between the main fiber network line and the end user is referred to as the “last mile” (though it is often much shorter than a mile).


“Pure fiber” refers to fiber connections that run all the way to the end user’s home, business or desktop computer. This is the fastest and most expensive “last mile” option, as it brings the full speed and reliability of fiber straight to the consumer. 


As an alternative, copper cables are often used to carry the fiber connection from a terminal called a “street cabinet” to a whole housing block, campus or residential building. This option is less expensive, but a small amount of the fiber speed is lost in the “last mile.”