What is an SME?
EU definition
The EU-definition, last revised in 2015, is:
- Number of employees: fewer than 250
And either of the following two:
- Annual turnover: equal to or less than €50M OR
- Total value of assets on balance sheet: equal to or less than €43M
Read the full definition on the EU website. The EU also offers an SME self-assessment wizard and a user guide in several translations.
In the Netherlands
When determining if a business is eligible for an SME grant or subsidy scheme, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency uses the EU criteria. However, the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce uses different criteria to determine in how much detail a company has to deposit their annual financial statements. If you think your company is medium-sized, take care to find out if you meet their criteria. They are:
- Number of employees: fewer than 250
And either of the following two:
- Annual turnover: equal to or less than €40M OR
- Total value of assets on balance sheet: equal to or less than €20M
Find out more on the website of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce.