What is a Complaint letter? Definition and format | LawDistrict

What Is a Complaint Letter?

A complaint Letter is a written communication used to raise your concerns with a product, service or to address other types of grievances. The purpose of the letter is to address the problem and seek a productive resolution.

A clearly written, informative complaint letter accomplishes the following:

  • it ensures the recipient knows about the situation
  • it puts your complaint on record
  • it lays the foundation in the event any legal steps must be taken

What Is the Format of a Complaint Letter?

The format of your complaint letter can help the right person correctly receive it. A complaint letter should start by including the following components:

  • the date of the letter
  • your name, address, and contact information
  • the recipient’s name, company name (if applicable), address, and contact information
  • a professional salutation, using the recipient’s name or their title (such as “Dear manager”)
  • a clear subject line (if sent as an email)

After writing these components, your first paragraph should define the problem, including descriptive information such as location and the date of occurrence.

The following paragraph should briefly explain how the problem can be rectified. In some situations, you may be satisfied with an apology or assurance that the problem will not reoccur. In other cases, you want a product to be repaired or replaced or a full refund.

If you have attached or included any receipts, photos, or documents with your letter, you should mention them here.

The final paragraph should suggest a timetable for the action you wish to be taken.

Then close the letter with an appropriate salutation (such as “Sincerely” or “Regards” and your written name and signature.

The entire letter should have a reasonable and polite tone. Avoid making any threats with this letter. Finally, keep copies of your complaint letter and all related documents for your own records.

Different Types of Complaint Letters

You may need to send a complaint letter for a variety of situations. However, most of these letters fall into two primary categories:

Personal Complaint Letters: These letters of complaint are written by an individual consumer and usually concern a grievance with a product or a service. These individuals may be seeking a refund or a replacement for themselves, or they may be writing about an issue that affects other people as well.

Professional Complaint Letters: These letters are written by or on behalf of a company or an organization and usually concern a problem with professional products or services, or binding contracts made by them.

Here are some of the many different types of complaint letters that could fall under either category:

  • late or mishandled delivery complaint
  • defective item complaint
  • medical complaint
  • police complaint
  • pricing/overcharge complaint
  • contractor’s complaint
  • contract complaint
  • violation of terms and conditions complaint
  • food quality complaint
  • landlord complaint
  • harassment complaint letter
  • complaint about a media report/broadcast
  • service agreement complaint
  • noise complaint letter

Complaint Letter Example

Here is an example of a noise complaint letter. You can use this letter as a template for your specific complaint by putting in your own information.

Your name
Your address
Your city, state, zip

Jane Doe
Acme Property Rentals

1212 Main St.
Anywhere, USA 12345

Date of letter

Dear Ms. Doe:

I am writing regarding the construction noise that is happening in my building at (building address). Crews working on the adjoining tower are on the property late into the night and early morning. The sounds of their machinery are not only disturbing my rest, but it is often hard to even have a conversation in my apartment.

Workers and heavy machinery were pounding and moving through the courtyard below my window until 10 p.m. last night. They were back at work at 6:30 a.m. this morning. I understand that you wish this project to be completed, but this schedule violates the noise policy of my lease agreement.

I have attached a copy of my lease agreement with the noise policy highlighted. I also have included the city’s policy on disturbing the peace with noise.

I ask for your immediate compliance with the quiet hours listed in both documents. Thank you.


Your signature
Your typed name

Proofread Your Letter Before Sending

A final step is to proofread your complaint letter carefully before mailing it or clicking the send button. In addition to looking for typos, review your letter’s content and tone. Consider asking a friend not involved in the situation to read it for clarity.

Helpful Resources:

GA Consumer Protection Division – Sample Complaint Letter to Send to a Business

Your Dictionary – How to Write a Complaint Letter That Gets Results

Consumer Action – Copy and use our free sample complaint letter and email

NH Department of Justice – Writing A Complaint Letter