What is Software Defined Perimeter (SDP)? – Check Point Software

The Need for Software Defined Perimeter (SDP)

In the past, most organizations relied upon a perimeter-focused security strategy. This security model assumes that all of the threats originate outside of the organization and that everyone with access to the internal network is trusted. By deploying security solutions at the network perimeter, this security approach inspects all inbound and outbound traffic and tries to keep the attackers on the outside and the organization’s sensitive data on the inside.

While this approach was never 100% effective, the rise of cloud computing and a remote workforce made it even less applicable. Now, a large percentage of an organization’s resources and employees are located outside of the traditional perimeter.

As a result, organizations must routinely allow external parties access to the internal network and sensitive information to flow outside of the perimeter. The challenge becomes ensuring that these information flows are secured and going to the right places.

A software-defined perimeter solution is designed to meet this challenge. By limiting access to the internal network based upon user identity, it dramatically limits the organization’s threat surface and exposure to cyber risk.