What is SDN and How It is Different From Traditional Networks? – Logic Finder

SDN is a virtual technology using protocols like OpenFlow for controlling the network flow and switches and routers access. The interesting thing about SDN is that its architecture is varying from organization to organization so it is hard to draw a final line to its definition.

Image result for what is SDN

Source: Comparitech.com

Whatever the definition is SDN is a way to virtualize the hardware. A software defined network is responsible for building a vast network by dividing them into two segments or planes.

The control plane is used for managing performance and faults of protocols like NetFlowIPFIX and SNMP. The configuration of remote devices is also managed by SDN.

The other divided segment is the data plane that manages and forwards the traffic to destination. The control plane decides and watches the path to be taken before the traffic reaches to data plane. A flow protocol helps to complete this process. Here, the admin communicates with SDN and actual management of network takes place.

Scalability is the major feature of SDN and hence it was used initially by Google and Amazon. Then, it prevailed to other enterprises too due to immense benefits and cost effectiveness.

The network is expanded and new servers with much efficiency are introduced by SDN. SDN upscales the resources and increases efficiency. All big companies are now trying to adapt SDN for making their resources more efficient.

Difference between SDN and Traditional Networking?

The major difference that lies between SDN and other conventional network is that SDN is a software based network unlike others.

The infrastructure of traditional network is purely physical comprising switches and routers while software based infrastructure operates virtually by control planes. SDN is much easier as the user has to interact with the software rather than any physical gadget.

SDN can communicate more conveniently with gadgets as compared to physical infrastructures of conventional networks. The main difference that differentiates SDN from conventional network is the virtualization ability. An abstraction of physical network is formed by virtualization that helps in provisioning of resources.

The data plane guides the data flow in a traditional network which is located within routers or switches.

For SDN the control plane is a software entity. This ensures that traffic is controlled with much efficiency and care by centralized user interface. This provides more hold over the network. Also, the configuration settings of a network can be changed and managed remotely. This is a much cost effective approach.

SDN is now considered as the best alternative of traditional networks for their provisioning and bandwidth properties. It is more cost effective as there is no need to invest money in expensive infrastructures. However, a traditional network is always costly with a lot of investment.

You decide what is more convenient? Buying equipments? Or pressing buttons?
