What is Local Business Schema? How Do I Use It? | Brainchild Studios
What is Local Business Schema? How Do I Use It?
Local business schema is a type of structured data markup code you can add to your business’s website to make it easier for search engines to identify what type of organization you are and what you do. This is a helpful way to help optimize your website for local SEO, as it’s a major ranking factor. There are all kinds of properties you can fill out for your local business schema, but let’s focus on the main ones to help simplify things a bit.
The main content areas you want to focus on include:
- @type (Local Business works if your specific line of business is not represented, but ideally you’ll be as specific as you can be)
- image (banner type of image)
- telephone
- name (of company)
- logo (company logo)
- description (of your company and your offerings)
- openingHours (your hours of operations)
- url
- sameAs (this is a great place to list out the other social properties that support your business)
- geo (your longitude and latitude coordinates)
- contactPoint (you’ll enter the contact information for your point of contact)
- address (you’ll enter your physical address of your location)
Here is a bit more of a thorough breakdown of the above from Google: