What is Intent-Based Networking? | VMware Glossary

When considering intent-based networking versus SDN, it’s helpful to think of intent-based networking as a form of software-defined networking with additional capabilities. Software-defined networking is a way to manage a network infrastructure using software, with a single pane of glass dashboard. It enables the automation of several different time-consuming processes, including configuring and scaling a network. It also allows a network administrator to easily and quickly configure and reconfigure the network based on the need to support a specific application or task. It gives network administrators an overview of the entire network and how the different network elements are interoperating to enhance or detract from network performance.

Intent-based networking takes software-defined networking one step further. It allows a network administrator to configure a network to address and support a business case, not just an individual task. If the administrator knows what they want the network to accomplish, the intent-based network can figure out how to accomplish it while adhering to previously deployed policies. An intent-based network also continuously performs self-checks as the network changes, ensuring that the network is continuing to operate as expected. If a fix is needed, the network can suggest changes for the operator to choose from and approve.