What is Competitiveness | IGI Global


competitiveness are based on the work of Porter, but prior to this, the issue of competitiveness was developed as a scientific discipline by Smith in the late 70’s. Due to the reason that tourism is primarily a service driven industry, tourism researchers had to adjust definitions, develop new models and identify factors that would be applicable to the tourism industry. Crouch and Ritchie (1999) developed the concept of destination competitiveness and, according to the authors, it consists of the ability of a given destination to provide higher quality tourism experiences compared to other destinations.

According to Cronjé and Plessis (2020) AU124: The in-text citation “Cronjé and Plessis (2020)” is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. “most of the research conducted on tourism destinationare based on the work of Porter, but prior to this, the issue ofwas developed as a scientific discipline by Smith in the late 70’s. Due to the reason that tourism is primarily a service driven industry, tourism researchers had to adjust definitions, develop new models and identify factors that would be applicable to the tourism industry. Crouch and Ritchie (1999) developed the concept of destinationand, according to the authors, it consists of the ability of a given destination to provide higher quality tourism experiences compared to other destinations.
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