What is Business Process Modeling & Notation (BPMN) | BPM Basics

Why is BPMN so important?

The notation has established itself as a standard in the areas of business process management and all disciplines based on it, such as Process Mining. In addition, having a standard notation is important, since the corresponding processes are understandable for everyone who is familiar with BPMN. Such standards also simplify the work of analysts and vendors of tools, as there is no need to learn and implement an infinite number of modeling elements and languages. In addition, the process exchange between departments, companies and industries is facilitated. Furthermore, a uniform process representation simplifies the switch between modeling and analysis software.

What exactly is BPMN used for?

The notation is used to represent processes, such as business processes. With BPMN, steps and processes are assigned certain notations and visualized accordingly.

The most important objects of the notation are: