What Should A Business Requirements Document (BRD) Include? | BusinessAnalystMentor.com

What should a business requirements document (BRD) include ? Is a common question that followers of business analyst mentor often ask.

Typically, a business requirements document (BRD), is produced in a waterfall type project setting. Historically, however, it does not need to be and a BRD has been used in projects using incremental project approaches. In agile a lightweight vision documentOpens in a new tab.Opens in a new tab. fulfils a similar purpose.

It is helpful to produce a document that brings together artefacts as part of the initiation of a project. The content of BRD varies from organisation to organisation and project to project depending on which sets of business analysis templatesOpens in a new tab.Opens in a new tab. are being used.

The style, depth, and nature of the BRD should reflect the project context and be sufficient to meet the needs of the project.

When done well, the business requirements document (BRD) directs the project and keeps everyone aligned. The BRD provides a basis to gain consensus and understanding of all the business requirements in scope for the project.