What Is Enterprise Risk Management? 2023 Comprehensive Guide

Enterprise risk management, also known as ERM, allows organizations to take a step back and look at the bigger picture regarding risk and how to manage it. It provides an alternative to using traditional and siloed methodologies. With a comprehensive approach to risk management, you can respond to risks faster and minimize risk exposure in relevant sectors.

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Enterprise Risk Management

ERM incorporates a continuous surveillance program to provide security in real time. It generates enough risk data for the senior management to make risk-aware business decisions. It’s an essential tool for determining your risk thresholds and how your organization approaches risk.

What This Guide Covers

What Is Enterprise Risk Management?

Enterprise risk management is a framework for dealing with organizational risk as a whole. It combines tried and tested risk management strategies and best practices into a single holistic methodology. As the name suggests, it covers enterprise-wide risks, including financial, operational, legal, contractual and regulatory risks. Improved internet connectivity and the rise of smart devices have opened the door to new and complex risks you cannot identify via legacy systems.

The problem with legacy systems is that multiple units working towards the same goal create silos, making it challenging to identify and respond to risk instantly. In contrast, a holistic approach unifies all business units and creates a comprehensive risk assessment report, which you can reference for executive decision-making.

Today, managing risk is a task and a half. With an ERM structure in place, you can identify, assess and mitigate risks, manage IT governance, and handle compliance issues. You can lay down guidelines for dealing with specific risk incidents and identify anomalies. The program makes planning for unpredictable events easy — clearly defined roles, responsibilities and workflows make it easier to bounce back from almost anything.

While the word “risk” has inherently negative connotations, it’s important to remember risk management is not just about minimizing your company’s risk exposure. You have to determine an acceptable risk threshold, communicate your priorities and create opportunities wherever possible.

It follows a top-down implementation approach and requires active collaboration between senior executives and risk managers. You can’t grow your business without taking risks — you just have to figure out a risk-to-reward ratio that works for your organization.

While most companies have carefully honed their risk management methodologies over the years, the importance of ERM cannot be overstated. It delivers the agility necessary to keep up with the rapidly changing risk landscape.


Enterprise risk management is a natural step in the evolutionary ladder of risk management. It significantly improves the visibility of potential risk incidents and provides tried and tested methodologies to respond with. You can streamline the risk management process and improve productivity while keeping an eye on your organization’s compliance posture.

As a security framework, ERM is crucial in building risk resilience. Working in close contact with risk builds an overall risk-aware work culture. Additionally, you can plan for the unexpected to ensure minimum disruption of critical processes.

The global ERM market is expected to reach $4.6 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 5.03%, according to a report.

Enterprise Risk Management Market Growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has further underlined the importance of agility in business continuity planning. It allows you to deal with supply chain issues, employee shortages and financial unpredictability as quickly as possible.

Flexibility and transparency are essential elements in today’s business landscape, and ERM ensures your company can scale while being completely transparent in its operations and risk exposure to relevant stakeholders. It essentially creates an interconnected risk management network where everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities, can access relevant data and has open lines of communication to perform tasks to the best of their abilities.

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