What Is Business Management?

Are you thinking about starting a business career? Good for you! In order to help, we will explain everything about management and how you can become a pro at it. 


What is business management? 

What Is Business Management?

Simply said, it is a term used to describe a set of activities involved in planning, organizing, and running business entities. For any company to grow, a platter of operations needs to be appropriately aligned, and coordinating them is a business management task.

But that’s not the only correct answer. Very often, it is described as the process of leading and spearheading the business. 

Basically, companies tend to rely on general managers to guide teams and resolve any interpersonal problems that might arise. The human nature of business management services usually appeals to many who are skilled in face-to-face communication. Possibly, diplomacy and conflict mitigation skills form an essential component of successful business management. 

That’s barely scratching the surface, though.  

Business management responsibilities cover many more aspects – from financial planning, human resource leadership, to navigating all processes. 

But before we elaborate, we need to establish one thing – what is a business manager?  

What Is a Business Manager?

Did you know that 90% of new startups fail? Unfortunately, this is primarily due to the lack of professional business management. 

So, what is the secret of those who make it? 

It’s relatively simple. 

The end goal of every company is to function like a well-oiled machine. And the person burdened with the responsibility to make that happen is called a business manager. They give their employees all the resources required to execute their work daily. So, when a company has a good head, there is someone to keep the machine going. 

To clarify, in smaller companies, business manager duties cover all departments. On the other hand, in more prominent organizations, one may be in charge of a single department. But in both cases, they are responsible for leading the daily operations, work supervision, and achieving financial and operational goals.

So, how do you become a business manager? 

To clarify, we present you some of the fundamental business management requirements:


Although there is a growing trend of companies forgoing this requirement, most firms require formal education for such a role. A college degree is the first requirement. But some organizations need a master’s degree in management to even consider you.


Business management skills are a must, regardless of the type of organization. So, you will need to be great at:

  • Interpersonal and business communication
  • Organization and coordination
  • Strategic thinking and planning
  • Decision-making
  • Problem-solving and conflict mitigation

Additional qualifications 

Those are always beneficial to help you stand out from the crowd. For example, being able to use relevant business management software will immediately set you apart. Above all, consider options that are relevant to your area of interest, such as project, task, or time management software. 

What Types of Business Management Are There?

Business management is not a single industry or function, however. It is a broad field that encompasses a variety of areas. Here is an overview of the essential types: 

Financial management 

Financial management is all about overseeing the monetary resources of a business. It involves planning, directing, and coordinating all processes related to managing the firm’s financial capital.  

Human resource management 

In short, human resource management includes all the activities related to hiring, training, and retaining the human capital within a business. 

Operational management

This type of business management is often referred to as production management as well. It refers to all the operations involved in creating the highest efficiency within a firm. Also, one is also responsible for converting raw resources into goods and services. 

Information technology management 

IT managers look after the technology of a business. Their primary responsibility is to run and also to create a technological infrastructure that aligns with the goals of the company. 

Sales and marketing management

Often, these two management types go under one roof. Marketing primarily promotes business goods and services. In comparison, sales functions focus on selling products and services. They are usually merged under one department, even in larger organizations. 

Strategic management

Strategic management focuses on the big picture of the company. It’s all about where you want to be and how you plan to get there. The process involved formulating the companies’ goals and objectives. 

Business Management vs. Business Administration

Let’s face it, very few people know the actual difference between business management and administration. 


What is business management, and how does it differ from the administration?

Well, business administration focuses on day-to-day activities. People carry out exact roles in a particular field such as accounting, finance, marketing, operations, etc. 


The hands-on experience gained in business administration can help you land a leadership role for a specific department. On the other hand, the main focus of business management is the organization’s overall leadership or that of an entire department. A general business manager anticipates the needs of their employees and also motivates them to perform efficiently.

You must be wondering – do the requirements and skills differ for the positions as well?

Yes, they do. 

While some of the skills needed for business management overlap with those required for an administration job, there are some specific things each needs. For example, business managers are generally the heads of a few departments, so they need flawless soft skills. Also, they should constantly learn about running operations, growth and marketing strategies, etc. Ultimately, you need to understand all your employees’ duties, supervise, mentor, and motivate them to reach their full potential.

Business administration jobs, on the other hand, focus on the technical execution of things. You need specialized knowledge in certain areas, such as the aforementioned accounting, finances, marketing, etc. 


Let’s wrap up.

Wrap Up

To sum up, when managing a business, a set of activities needs to be appropriately aligned for the company to succeed. Coordination and planning are business management tasks.  

To become successful in this area a college degree, specific soft skills, and additional knowledge to stay relevant. 

But there’s more. 

You need to understand the difference between business management vs. business administration. In a nutshell, when managing a company, business management is more strategy and leadership-focused. On the other hand, administration is centered around daily activities, implementation, and execution of business plans and objectives. 


You have all the basic knowledge needed to embark on your business management journey. What are you waiting for?