What Are Some Ways in Which Global Forces Affect Business Today?

If anything can be said with certainty in the early decades of the 21st century, it’s that the world is changing at an extraordinary pace. The types of global forces at work are tremendously varied. Technology continues to leap ahead, with no sign that Moore’s Law – the prediction that technological capacity doubles every two years – is slowing down. Natural disasters have multiplied, accelerated by global climate change and human encroachment into formerly pristine habitats.

Seemingly stable institutions like the European Union are showing signs of crumbling. Political positions considered fringe only a few years ago now seem to occupy center stage.

Global Forces Affect Businesses

These global forces are affecting business around the world. They’re affecting your business! Raw material availability, supply chain reliability, labor supply, wages, worker expectations, government regulations and consumer demand are all influenced by global factors at work. Every aspect of the goods you sell and the services you provide are at the mercy of the global forces affecting the U.S. economy.

An awareness of these forces won’t keep them at bay, but will help you respond effectively to the rapidly changing world of business.

National and International Policies

Governments do what governments do: they make policies and then change their minds and make new ones. A decades-long push towards a policy of increasing globalization meant a focus on reducing trade barriers and providing more open borders. A backlash against globalization has meant just the reverse. The tug-of-war of differing policies will be shaping global trade in the decades ahead.

Immigration and Borders: The free movement of Europeans across the many borders of the countries comprising the European Union has been a hallmark of the EU, and it has facilitated the movement of labor forces to wherever new jobs were available. The northern and southern borders of the United States, though never quite as open, have also allowed millions of visitors and laborers to freely move across.

Governmental attitudes toward such openness is changing rapidly, exacerbated by international refugee crises that have uprooted millions of people – all of them looking for a new home. If your business is one of the many that has relied on immigrant labor to fill some of its permanent or seasonal needs, these changing attitudes may bring about a big change in the availability of such hires.

Tariffs and Trade: The North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as NAFTA, was created in 1994 to facilitate trade between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The agreement lasted 25 years before being effectively abandoned in 2018. If all goes as planned, it will be replaced by a new agreement dubbed the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA), though this more recent agreement has yet to be ratified. The undoing of NAFTA is one of the results of the backlash against increasing globalization.

Another backlash has been the imposition of significant tariffs as a barrier to international trade. This is especially the case between the United States and China, engaged in a 2019 “tariff war” that has affected billions of dollars in trade between the countries. If you business relies on supplies from China or Mexico, you may well be facing disruptions or increased costs as these changes in government policies continue to evolve.

Social and Environmental Issues

Your customers, investors and shareholders may all be asking how your business is responding to societal issues of concern, ranging from global climate change to working conditions in your supply chain. Has your business reduced its carbon footprint? Are the goods you sell made with child labor? Does that coffee come from plantations carved out of the virgin rainforest? Does your company have a policy on transgender restroom use?

The types of concerns that arise and the depth of passions involved can catch merchants by surprise.

Effect of Government Rules

Even in the absence of significant feedback from clients on these issues, you will affect your business that has been affected by numerous government regulations at the local, national and even international levels. For example, California has very specific laws about labeling certain chemicals in products sold in the state; if you market to California, your products must comply with these rules. Similarly, Europe’s Registry of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) impose strict requirements on the materials you can and can’t use for products you sell in Europe.

Even very local rules and regulations will affect your business decisions. Many communities have imposed bans or restrictions on the use of plastic bags, drinking straws, or other materials deemed environmentally undesirable. Recycling rules are common. Increasingly, social concerns, such as paying employees a “living wage” in excess of minimum wage requirements have become locally important issues.

The Rapid Pace of Technology

It was not that long ago when you could walk into a shop and find that the merchant was using an old-fashioned cash register to ring up sales. Those days have disappeared. Almost all businesses rely on computers for at least part of their operations. What’s more, stand-alone machines are themselves being replaced by an ever-more complex network of devicesdesktops, laptops, tablets, phones, cameras, monitors, sensors – tied to one another and all linked to the internet.

You rely on these devices because they work, increasing productivity and enabling an unprecedented ease of communication across the plant floor and across the world. But technology also comes with a multitude of concerns. Computer security is difficult and breaches not only compromise your operations but also expose your business to enormous legal liabilities. The pace of change is daunting, as the latest technology can begin to feel outdated almost from the day it is installed. The complexity of technology calls for a degree of expertise among users and maintenance staff that is not always easy to acquire in today’s labor force.

Disasters, Natural and Otherwise

Can an earthquake in Indonesia affect a business in New Jersey? You betcha! In the modern, globalized, interconnected world of business, events halfway around the world can readily impact the distribution of material goods, whether the flow of supplies into your business or the shipment of products to your customers.

Natural disasters have always been part of the human experience, of course, but many aspects of life in the modern world act to exacerbate these events. Our changing climate has increased the likelihood of certain events such as floods, wildfires and droughts. The expanding human population has meant more and more people living in sensitive areas, such as coastal lowlands, easily overwhelmed by earthquakes and tsunamis. Rare but dramatic technological failures like Bhopal, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island or Fukushima affect hundreds of thousands of people in a fell swoop and are capable of disrupting entire industry sectors for years.

Classical Adam Smith Economics

For all the rapid changes that characterize modern life and modern business, there are some global factors at work that are refreshingly familiar. For all the global issues affecting business, your operations are still subject to the simple competitive forces of supply and demand that have defined the economic landscape since the publication of Adam Smith’s classic Wealth of Nations in 1776. Your ability to negotiate prices for the materials you need for your business and set the price of the goods and services you sell depends almost entirely on the level of consumer demand for these things and supply provided by your business and competing businesses for the same or similar products.

What has changed, of course, is the globalization of these forces. You are competing these days – not only with fellow merchants in your hometown – but with the thousands of providers on Amazon.com or the merchants in China featured on sites like Alibaba.com. Whether you sell broccoli, books, baubles or brackets, your competition is pretty much global.