Websites vs Blogs: Which One Should I Use?

Also, consider posting inbound links (a hyperlink back to your website) in your blog articles to drive traffic back to specific pages in your website.

Take a look at this article on why your site traffic sucks (and how to fix it)

2. Increase your SEO/SERP

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to your website or blog.

Search Engine Results Page (SERP): Is the page that comes up when you Google something. It’s a list of the results returned by your search engine when you search a keyword.

Blogs are a great way to increase your SEO and your SERP rank.

Since new content is added on a regular basis on blogs, they generate more attention from search engines than a website.

By using keywords and popular topics and categories in your blog, you will increase the chance of people finding your article on SERP.

The more clicks on your blog post, the more visitors to your site.

3. Show that you are an expert

Be mindful when you blog.

Just like choosing proper keywords, you also need to choose the proper content.

By creating top quality content your brand will be seen as an industry leader.

If you create an article on “How to Make the Perfect Steak” then make sure it truly is the perfect way to make a steak.

If someone finds your article and tries out your recipe and as a result, makes the best steak that he/she has ever tasted, then that reader will always go back to your website/blog to find recipes.

In their eyes, you’re the expert.

4. Build relationships

By being an expert, customers will grow to trust you and your brand.

Blogs are also a great way to let your customers get to know you. Referring back to the same example used above, Ree Drummond posts an article about reasons why she loves her sister.

This gives readers a glimpse into her personal life, making her more relatable and trustworthy.

3. How to make money using your website/blog