Watch InuYasha | Netflix

    The gang crosses paths with Princess Abi, a phoenix princess attacking humans to save her mother. Kagome is hurt by Inuyasha’s feelings for Kikyo.

  1. Watch The Great Duel at Shoun Falls!. Episode 1 of Season 6.

    1. The Great Duel at Shoun Falls!


    Hoshiyomi keeps Kagome captive in order to unite the Ken and Kon blades. Meanwhile, the four ninja demons confront Inuyasha and his friends.

  2. Watch Eternal Love: The Naginata of Kenkon. Episode 2 of Season 6.

    2. Eternal Love: The Naginata of Kenkon


    Hoshiyomi reunites the Kenkon Naginata, but the ghost of his old lover Tsukiyomi possesses Kagome in order to reason with him, revealing their past.

  3. Watch Entei, the Demon Horse Unleashed!. Episode 3 of Season 6.

    3. Entei, the Demon Horse Unleashed!


    Inuyasha and his friends travel to a village where they learn that Kagura and the Infant have murdered a priest. Next, they find a legendary monk.

  4. Watch Untamed Entei and Horrible Hakudoshi. Episode 4 of Season 6.

    4. Untamed Entei and Horrible Hakudoshi


    Split in two, one half of the Infant transforms into Hakudoshi, Naraku’s eighth incarnation, while the horse demon Entei is reunited with its owner.

  5. Watch 3,000 Leagues in Search of Father. Episode 5 of Season 6.

    5. 3,000 Leagues in Search of Father


    Inuyasha and his friends meet Kanta, a young otter demon whose father’s head was taken by Hakudoshi. He wants to find it and get it back.

  6. Watch Hosenki and the Last Shard. Episode 6 of Season 6.

    6. Hosenki and the Last Shard


    Inuyasha goes to visit Myoga, who tells him that he must visit Hosenki in order to travel to the netherworld where his father’s grave lies.

  7. Watch Bizarre Guards at the Border of the Afterlife. Episode 7 of Season 6.

    7. Bizarre Guards at the Border of the Afterlife


    Inuyasha and his companions travel toward the Mountain in the Realm of Fire, but when they reach the gate they find that the way is shut.

  8. Watch The Fiery Bird Master, Princess Abi. Episode 8 of Season 6.

    8. The Fiery Bird Master, Princess Abi


    When the gateway opens, Kagome senses the presence of the Shikon Jewel shard. Meanwhile, Naraku seeks to ally with the phoenix demon Princess Abi.

  9. Watch The Tragic Love Song of Destiny Part 1. Episode 9 of Season 6.

    9. The Tragic Love Song of Destiny Part 1


    Kaede recalls how long ago, when she was still an innocent child, her elder sister Kikyo first met the half-demon Inuyasha.

  10. Watch The Tragic Love Song of Destiny Part 2. Episode 10 of Season 6.

    10. The Tragic Love Song of Destiny Part 2


    In this continuation of Kaede’s flashback, Kikyo’s love for Inuyasha makes her vulnerable, setting in motion a tragic chain of events.

  11. Watch The Single Arrow of Chaos. Episode 11 of Season 6.

    11. The Single Arrow of Chaos


    Princess Abi destroys another village, Kagura searches for Sesshomaru in order to defeat Naraku, and Inuyasha and his friends are looking for a saint.

  12. Watch The Mysterious Light that Guides the Saint. Episode 12 of Season 6.

    12. The Mysterious Light that Guides the Saint


    Kagome and the others wonder if Kikyo is still alive after they find a sacred arrow. Meanwhile, Kikyo confronts Princess Abi at another village.

  13. Watch Kagome's Instinctive Choice. Episode 13 of Season 6.

    13. Kagome’s Instinctive Choice


    Kanna hides the Infant in a castle. Meanwhile, Kagome follows Kocho and Asuka to a waterfall basin and finds Kikyo suspended there.

  14. Watch Protect and Plunder!. Episode 14 of Season 6.

    14. Protect and Plunder!


    Princess Abi and Queen Tekkei plan to attack a castle that they believe Naraku is protecting, and their paths converge with Kohaku and Kagura.

  15. Watch The Cruel Reunion of Fate. Episode 15 of Season 6.

    15. The Cruel Reunion of Fate


    Princess Abi attacks the castle and finds Kanna and Kohaku there guarding the Infant. Meanwhile, Inuyasha and his friends are on their way.

  16. Watch The Demon Linked with the Netherworld. Episode 16 of Season 6.

    16. The Demon Linked with the Netherworld


    Kocho and Asuka summon Inuyasha to see Kikyo, who tells him Naraku’s plan and gives him a special arrow for Kagome to use when the time is right.

  17. Watch The Demon Protector of the Sacred Jewel Shard!. Episode 17 of Season 6.

    17. The Demon Protector of the Sacred Jewel Shard!


    Naraku uses Tekkei’s head to travel to the Netherworld. Inuyasha and his friends pursue him, even though they know it’s a trap.

  18. Watch Final Battle at the Graveside: Sesshomaru Versus Inuyasha!. Episode 18 of Season 6.

    18. Final Battle at the Graveside: Sesshomaru Versus Inuyasha!


    Sesshomaru travels to the Realm of Fire thanks to Kagura’s guidance. He uses the Tenseiga to defeat the guardians. Meanwhile, Naraku arrives.

  19. Watch Destroy Naraku with the Adamant Barrage!. Episode 19 of Season 6.

    19. Destroy Naraku with the Adamant Barrage!


    Sesshomaru faces off against Naraku, who has stolen the final shard from Hosenki. Hosenki tells Inuyasha to kill him so he can defeat Naraku.

  20. Watch Stampede of the Countless Demon Rats!. Episode 20 of Season 6.

    20. Stampede of the Countless Demon Rats!


    Kohaku and Kagura decide that to defeat Naraku they must kill the Infant. Hakudoshi is ordered to release a swarm of rats to lure Kikyo out of hiding.

  21. Watch Kohaku's Decision and Sango's Heart. Episode 21 of Season 6.

    21. Kohaku’s Decision and Sango’s Heart


    Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippo encounter Hakudoshi at the myosei tree, while Miroku and Sango confront Kohaku at the shrine trap for the Zushi rats.

  22. Watch The Lucky But Two-Timing Scoundrel!. Episode 22 of Season 6.

    22. The Lucky But Two-Timing Scoundrel!


    Thinking about Inuyasha’s feelings for Kikyo, Kagome goes back to the present without telling him. Inuyasha tells Kaede that Kikyo is still alive.

  23. Watch Miroku's Past Mistake. Episode 23 of Season 6.

    23. Miroku’s Past Mistake


    Two years ago, Miroku met a girl named Shima who was ill. Now she is betrothed to a catfish demon in a nearby lake but claims she’s engaged to Miroku.

  24. Watch Forever with Lord Sesshomaru. Episode 24 of Season 6.

    24. Forever with Lord Sesshomaru


    A group of monks are searching for children who have been kidnapped by an unknown demon. Jaken tells Sesshomaru that Rin has been kidnapped too.

  25. Watch Kohaku, Sango and Kirara: The Secret Flower Garden. Episode 25 of Season 6.

    25. Kohaku, Sango and Kirara: The Secret Flower Garden


    Kirara returns to her home village and fondly recalls her childhood with Sango and Kohaku, who has returned to pay his respects at his family graves.

  26. Watch Possessed by a Parasite: Shippo, Our Worst Enemy. Episode 26 of Season 6.

    26. Possessed by a Parasite: Shippo, Our Worst Enemy


    After Naraku steals an orb from a mountain demon, parasite demon pupas scatter everywhere. Possessed by a parasite pupa, Shippo causes mischief.

  27. Watch The Ultimate Key to Defeating Naraku. Episode 27 of Season 6.

    27. The Ultimate Key to Defeating Naraku


    The mountain demon Gakusanjin tells Inuyasha and his friends about Naraku’s theft of the orb, then gives them a crystal so they can find Naraku.

  28. Watch The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard!: Part 1. Episode 28 of Season 6.

    28. The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard!: Part 1


    A monk named Goryomaru marshals child ascetics to slay demons, including Gakusanjin. Inuyasha and his friends hope his temple holds the stolen orb.

  29. Watch The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard!: Part 2. Episode 29 of Season 6.

    29. The Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard!: Part 2


    Kagura reveals the Infant’s secret to Sesshomaru. Hakudoshi brings her back to the temple, revealing the sinister purpose behind Goryomaru’s attacks.