WatanNetwork YouTube region restriction checker | Check YouTube Video Region Restrictions Online

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

If you have spent any significant amount of time on YouTube, you are bound to encounter this message at
one point or another:

The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

The official explanation from YouTube:
Video not available in my country, is of little help especially as it pertains to actually getting around those restrictions. But
basically if you ever want to see that video, you would actually need to be located in one of those
regions where that YouTube video is not restricted. The most popular way of doing that is by using a
web proxy that relays your connection through some middle-man
that is located in one of those “allowed” countries for that video. And in order to be effect at this,
you first need to know the exact list of countries where that particular YouTube video is blocked. It is
of no use to use an American Web Proxy to bypass regional restrictions if that video is blocked in
America. For that you would need a Canadian or British proxy or whatever. But how would you even know if
that video is not blocked in Canada too? What if it is blocked everywhere except for a few countries in
Asia? And that is exactly the purpose of this site.