Vietnam Business License | Relin Consultants

In order to legally operate in a specific industry in Vietnam, obtaining a business licence is a mandatory requirement. The license is issued by relevant government agencies and serves as a crucial component of regulatory management. The specific licenses required will depend on the business activities conducted.

These can include licences for import-export activities, e-commerce, etc. Timely applying of the necessary licence after Vietnam company registration is crucial for commencing business operations.


A business must first prepare the necessary paperwork before applying for a license. On the other hand, each industry, each type of firm, and each sort of business licence will require a different collection of records. As a result, in order to fully prepare, the business side must precisely specify the necessary parts when preparing documentation.

Here are the general steps for obtaining necessary permits and certifications in Vietnam:

Determine the required permits and certifications

Depending on the type of business, location, and industry, different permits and certifications may be required. Some common examples include licences for specific industries, such as food or pharmaceuticals, and certificates of environmental impact assessment.

Research the relevant laws and regulations

Review the relevant laws and regulations related to the specific permits and certifications that are required for the business.

Gather the necessary information and documentation

This typically includes information about the business, such as its name, location, and type of operations, as well as any other relevant documents, such as certificates of incorporation or articles of association.

Submit the application and required documents

Submit the application for the required permits and certifications, along with the necessary information and documentation, to the relevant government agency.

Pay the required fees

Most permits and certifications require payment of a fee, which must be paid before the application can be processed.

Wait for approval

Once the application and required documents have been submitted, the government agency will review the materials and make a decision on the application.

Receive the permit or certification

If the application is approved, the government agency will issue the necessary permits and certifications.

Note: The specific requirements and procedures for obtaining necessary permits and certifications in Vietnam may vary depending on the type of business, location, and other factors. It is advisable to seek guidance from a consultant such as Relin Consultants for the most up-to-date information.


Vietnam business licence fee varies depending on the type of business and the location. Generally, the cost will include a registration fee and an annual fee. The registration fee is a one-time fee that is paid when the business is first registered, and the annual fee is paid each year to renew the licence.

The registration fee for a new business ranges from VND 1,500,000, and the annual fee ranges from VND 1,000,000. However, these fees may vary depending on the type of business, the location, and the size of the business.

For example, a large business may be required to pay higher fees than to acquire a Vietnam small business license. Additionally, certain types of businesses, such as those in the financial or technology sectors, may be subject to higher fees.


To renew a business licence in Vietnam, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Gather all necessary documents, including your current business licence, tax registration certificate, and any other documents required by the local government.

  2. Submit the application for renewal to the relevant government agency, such as the

    Ministry of Planning and Investment

    or the Business Registration Office.

  3. Pay the renewal fee, which will vary depending on the type of business and the length of the renewal period.

  4. Wait for the government agency to process your application and issue a new business licence.


Relin Consultants is a professional consulting firm that specializes in helping foreign businesses set up and operate in Vietnam. Our team will assist you with legal requirements for doing business in Vietnam, help you comply with local laws and regulations, and help you with obtaining a business license in Vietnam.

Reach out to us at Relin Consultants to learn more about our consultancy services in Vietnam.