Victoria Sapa Hotel Archives – 2bearbear Singapore Travel Blog: Travel | Stay | Food

So we were deciding which city to go to. Hanoi, the capital city or Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Vietnam? In addition, Ho Chi Minh City has the historical war tunnels. However, we decided to go for Hanoi because of its accessibility from the airport as well as the opportunity to visit attractions to its east and west , namely Sapa and Halong Bay.


Hanoi is located on the north east of Vietnam. On this trip, we visited Halong Bay (the UNESCO World Heritage Site) to its East and Sapa (350Km northwest of Hanoi). Some rate of conversions when we visited at the end of 2009

1USD = 1.4SGD=18,000VND OR 1SGD=13,000VND (Vietnam Dong)

Average haircut : 250,000 VND for gals

Taxi ride from Hanoi train station to Bat Su St:

50,000 VND (not 100,000 VND!)

Bia Hoi (Beer) at street corner: 6,000 VND for 1 glass (Yes it is really that cheap!)

Pastries: 6,000 VND @ local bakeries (11 Cha Ca St)

Foot massage: USD4 for 30mins (Au Trieu St)

Souvenir magnets: 10,000 VND

Day 1 (Arrival and trip to the Hotel) 

The Hanoi Boutique HotelThe Hanoi Boutique Hotel

We arrive at the Noi Bai Airport (Vietnam) and were greeted by our friendly driver with the sign that says “Hanoi Boutique Hotel : Kate”. Everything was smooth until we got on the car…

1. Max Speed. The car was moving at a maximum speed of 60km/h! No matter how fast it was trying to go or how it was overtaking other cars (can you imagine?) it was still travelling no more than 60km/h. Talk about safety…

2. High Beam and Horn. Everyone seems to be driving with their high beam lights on. The most interesting part was, EVERY car and motorcycle were sounding their horns throughout the journey! Our driver was practically placing his hands on the horns throughout the entire journey!

3. Crossing the road. We witnessed how an old lady crossed the road amidst endless trails of motorcycles. The trick is, to cross at a constant pace. The old lady was walking really really slowly across the road, it didnt seem like she was looking at the on coming traffic at all! The key was, she was moving slowly BUT at a CONSTANT pace. The result? Every oncoming motorcycle was able to predict her path and avoided her altogether! This little observation was put to good use throughout the rest of the trip. You really need this piece of advice, plus some guts, to cross Vietnamese roads.

As we approached the hotel, it really didnt look appealing at all. It looked like a 1 star hotel and the entrance was relatively small. But things started to change as you enter the reception, it was clean and inviting with renovations that looked new. But the surprise really came when we entered the room…

It immediately upgraded to 3 stars! Nicely decorated room, with a balcony view of the streets as well as a plasma tv! The toilet was clean and had toiletries (including towels) readily available. To top it off, WI-FI was free! We turned in early that evening, to the sound of horns on the streets…

Day 2 – Hanoi City, Mausoleum, Ho Chi Minh Museum, Temple of Literature, KOTO – Know One Teach One, One Pillar Pagoda, Hoan Kiem Lake, Martyr’s Monument, Old East End Gate, Dong Xuan Market, Water Puppet Show, Bag/Shoe Street, City View Cafe

One Pillar Pagoda, Hoan Kiem LakeOne Pillar Pagoda, Hoan Kiem Lake
The City Centre HanoiThe City Centre Hanoi
The MausoleumThe Mausoleum
The Old Gate HanoiThe Old Gate Hanoi
The Temple of LiteratureThe Temple of Literature
The Dan Bow player at the water puppet showThe Dan Bow player at the water puppet show
The Water Puppeteers HanoiThe Water Puppeteers Hanoi
Vietnamese CoffeeVietnamese Coffee

Soon morning came and we were (not surprisingly) awaken by the sound of the horns. It was nice to breathe the morning air and look out at the balcony, the streets before the hustle and bustle begins. We took breakfast and were pleasantly surprised by the chicken and beef pho that were served. It suited our taste buds well. There were also fruits and fruit juice to go along. Not bad…

We decided to walk towards the museums and Mausoleum (famous structure). Along the way, we stopped for an authentic cup of Vietnam cuppa. For 77cents (abt 50cents USD), we had one of the best coffee we’ve ever drank. It was rich yet wholely Vietnamese with aroma of the coffee with every sip. It was then it dawned upon us….Starbucks has been cheating our $$ all these while!

As we ventured on, we took photos of memorials, statues and a Catholic church. We soon stumbled upon the Mausoleum from a distance and decided to get closer to take some photos. As we got closer, we realised there were some important Korean officials visiting the place and there were literally no one in the vicinity except the police. So happily, as excited tourists, we took out our camera and started shooting. Almost immediately, the whistles started to sound and we were waved to move away from the vicinity! Much like prisoners trying to break out of jail, being whistled at…quite a traumatic experience. So enjoy the pictures that we ‘risked’ our lives for!

Next, we headed for the Ho Chi Minh museum, mainly because we wanted to use the toilet. We paid 15,000VND each to enter the museum. The museum showcased the history of its leader and some of the important milestones and significant events that took place. It also showed pictures of him meeting leaders of various countries at that time.

As we approached the Temple of Literature, it started to rain. We were then approached by locals with ponchos (make shift rain coats) ready with them. Some selling at 18,000VND while others only at 10,000. Because of the rain, we took only photos at the entrance and headed straight for lunch at KOTO (Know One Teach One).

026Lunch at Know One, Teach One026Lunch at Know One, Teach One
027Nice deco at KOTO027Nice deco at KOTO
028Yummy noodles028Yummy noodles
029I love their vermicelli029I love their vermicelli

The KOTO project was really to help children off the streets and to equip them with culinary skills so that they can become self sufficient and provide for themselves by either serving in hotels / restaurants or continue to teach others like themselves. Both Kate and I found this to be a very meaningful project and came by specially to support.

The food was GREAT! We had the roll with beef and prawn as well as the fried beef noodles. Both were delicious and both were authentic Vietnamese. We were very much satisfied, both with the quality of the food as well as with ourselves, being able to help a good cause. We ended off with Bia-hoi (Beer) to wash it all down… 🙂

We ventured back to the city and to the famous Hoan Kiem River where we took photos of the lake as well as the One Pillar Pagoda right smack in the middle of the lake.

Along a foot path recommended by Lonely Planet, we were able to take photos of the Martyr’s monument, Old East End Gate as well as the Dong Xuan Market where daily food supplies can be found. We also passed the black smiths street (whole street of black smiths) before heading to KFC (where else?) for dinner before our much anticipated water puppet show in the evening. This KFC was overlooking the centre of the city (pretty much a roundabout) with the Hoan Kiem Lake as the backdrop. So there’s actually a reason why we chose KFC for dinner….

Soon it was time for us to enter the theatre to watch the water puppet show. The show started with the Dan Bow player playing tunes akin to the chinese Er Hu. It is basically a stringed instrument with only one string. It was said that in the past, it was only played by males and that parents were worried that young girls would be attracted to Dan Bow players because of the enchanting tunes.

The show itself was interesting, with displays of the dragon, phoenix and puppets illustrating the legend. There was even small fireworks towards the end. Here is part of the show…

After the show, the puppeteers revealed themselves as the curtains lifted and they demonstrated (without the curtains) how they were moving the puppets behind the scenes. After the show, Kate and I walked past the shoes and bags street (literally lots of shoes and bags, Kate’s favourite) and we had supper at the City View Cafe. A little ex, but the view of the night was great. We had a pizza and some drinks to wind down the night.

Day 3 – Halong Bay

058On our way to Halong Bay058On our way to Halong Bay
059Ceramics Factory059Ceramics Factory
060The bus that took us to the pier060The bus that took us to the pier
061Ourjunk boat061Ourjunk boat
062Decent toilet in each room062Decent toilet in each room
063Rather comfy beds063Rather comfy beds
064TOwels and bedroom slippers included064TOwels and bedroom slippers included
065Our room key065Our room key
066Leaving the pier066Leaving the pier
068Rock formation 1068Rock formation 1
069Rock formation 2069Rock formation 2
070Trying an arty shot070Trying an arty shot
071Rock formation 3071Rock formation 3
072Rock formation 4072Rock formation 4
073Another junk boat073Another junk boat
074Rock formation 5074Rock formation 5
075Ti Top Island and Temple on top075Ti Top Island and Temple on top
076Rock Formation 6076Rock Formation 6
077Monster's Mouth077Monster's Mouth
078Water families078Water families
079Entrance to Cave Surprise079Entrance to Cave Surprise
080Limestone formations 1080Limestone formations 1
081Vandalism on the limestone081Vandalism on the limestone
082Like a scene from an Indiana Jones movie082Like a scene from an Indiana Jones movie
083'heart' formation083'heart' formation
084'couple' formation084'couple' formation

We started the day early (8:30am) and left on a 3.5 hours bus ride to Halong Bay Harbour. Along the way, we stopped at a ceramics statue exhibit place and had our toilet break there. Coke was ex. $1.5 a can.

We took a small boat to our junk boat. Again, we were pleasantly surprised as we entered our room. It was nicely laid out and looked really cosy, with an unexpectedly clean toilet. We were later led up to the dining hall to have our seafood lunch. Nothing to shout about but it was pleasant.

As our junk boat – Bai Tu Long, went near to the UNESCO heritage site of Halong Bay, we could see little islets popping up. It was real cool. There were many islets that resembled things like a monster’s mouth, a man’s face, horse, a fisherman and lots more. You just have to use some imagination to see them 😉

Our first stop was the Surprise Caves or Hang (Cave) Sung Sot (Surprise). IT was a cave with natural rock formations. Also formed by streams of water. 2 natural formation that was surprising to see, was a couple as well as a heart. The climb up and down the caves was tiring. But the view of Halong Bay from the top was simply amazing, really worth the trip (all 3.5 hours bus ride and boat trip).

Day 4 – 2nd Day at Halong Bay

085I see 2 fishermen chilling out, a rocking horse and a koala bear085I see 2 fishermen chilling out, a rocking horse and a koala bear
091Double cave091Double cave
090Have to canoe cuz boat too big090Have to canoe cuz boat too big
089Luon Cave089Luon Cave
088Breakfast on Day 2088Breakfast on Day 2
087Man's head islet087Man's head islet
086'middle finger'086'middle finger'

Kate and I woke up early this morning to enjoy the morning breeze as well as the view of the Halong Bay as well as its islets. Of course, we played a game to identify new ‘formations’ using our imagination and we discovered a koala bear, a horse / dog and a middle finger! We then went to the dining hall for an american style breakfast. Ham bread and juice.

The morning’s programme was a canoe trip. If you arent interested, you can opt to just remain on the small boat. Kate and I decided to just laze back on the boat while it took us to the sights. There was an enclosure that we were unable to enter because of the high tide. But we were told that it was a sanctuary inside with birds and vegetation flourishing. The boat also took us in and out of a cave and we saw some unusual formations such as a cave within a cave and the Luon Cave.

In the evening, we left for Sapa and we boarded the overnight train ride King Express Deluxe. Just prior to board, we managed to buy 1 litre of bia hoi (beer) for only 13,000VND or $1!

Day 5 – Sapa, Lao Cai, Cat Cat Village, Victoria Sapa Hotel

093King Express Deluxe093King Express Deluxe
094Arriving at Lao Cai after an overnight train ride094Arriving at Lao Cai after an overnight train ride
095One hour bus ride to Sapa095One hour bus ride to Sapa
096Blurred photos from fast moving bus096Blurred photos from fast moving bus
097Arriving at Sapa097Arriving at Sapa
098Sapa Global Hotel where we had our meals098Sapa Global Hotel where we had our meals
099Yummy chocolate tart099Yummy chocolate tart
100View from Victoria Sapa Hotel100View from Victoria Sapa Hotel
101Roaming chickens101Roaming chickens
102Black pig102Black pig
103Corn hanging out to dry103Corn hanging out to dry
104Living room104Living room
105Kitchen and toilet105Kitchen and toilet
106Indigo dye106Indigo dye
107Weaving machine107Weaving machine
108Leaf art108Leaf art
109Leaf painting109Leaf painting
110H'Mong kids110H'Mong kids
111Cat Cat waterfall111Cat Cat waterfall
112Scary hanging bridge112Scary hanging bridge
113Black Pig satay113Black Pig satay
114Another even more scary bridge to bring us back to Sapa114Another even more scary bridge to bring us back to Sapa
115Entrance of Cat Cat village115Entrance of Cat Cat village
116Itinerary at Sapa116Itinerary at Sapa
117Beefy meal at Sapa Global Hotel117Beefy meal at Sapa Global Hotel
118Beautiful room in Victoria Sapa Hotel118Beautiful room in Victoria Sapa Hotel
119Nice toilet with nice ginger toiletries119Nice toilet with nice ginger toiletries
120Huge balcony120Huge balcony
121View from the hotel121View from the hotel
122Swimming pool about 100m away from hotel room122Swimming pool about 100m away from hotel room
124Deck chairs and shower points124Deck chairs and shower points
125Very 'open concept' bathroom in swimming pool toilet125Very 'open concept' bathroom in swimming pool toilet
126Clean toilets with rose petals and aromatherapy oil126Clean toilets with rose petals and aromatherapy oil
127Indoor heated swimming pool127Indoor heated swimming pool
128Pretty deco in the toilet128Pretty deco in the toilet
129Drinking Tiger beer in Vietnam129Drinking Tiger beer in Vietnam
130Another yummy meal in Sapa Global Hotel130Another yummy meal in Sapa Global Hotel
131'Drip' coffee in cafe131'Drip' coffee in cafe
132Performance by minority group...guy chasing gal in market132Performance by minority group...guy chasing gal in market
133Guy dancing with gal133Guy dancing with gal
134Bamboo instrument134Bamboo instrument
135Everyone dancing together135Everyone dancing together
136Another unique instrument136Another unique instrument

We arrived at about 5am in the morning at Lao Cai train station. There we caught a transfer bus to Sapa which was about an hour. We arrived at the Sapa Global Hotel and we had our breakfast there. Breakfast was nice and simple. But what caught our attention was the magnificent view of Fansipan mountain. The temperature had dipped to between 15-20 degrees so it was nice and cooling with surreal views of the mountains. Chillax.

Shortly after, we were introduced to our guide Chi for the day and she took us on a “lite” trekking trip. It was actually quite a trek! But before long, we reached Cat Cat village where we had some black pig satay (barbeque) and saw a small waterfall. We entered the village and ventured into a H’mong villager’s abode. It had a stench and there were corns overhanging at the ceiling. It was dark and litted only by the sun light. We saw some dyes for indigo and played some of the traditional musical instruments. Kate tried the weaving machine while we both tried to push a corn grinding machine. It was tough work.

After a short trek, we were back at the Sapa Global Hotel where we had our lunch. We were then driven to our hotel. Victoria Sapa Hotel. IT was a 5 star hotel (well at least to us). It had a marvellous view of a man-made lake and views of Fansipan Mountain as well. The room was spacious, with a bath tub and a balcony. The hotel also has a heated pool with nice views of lawned greenery. Sort of like a paradise right in the heart of Sapa.

We ended of the night with dinner at the restaurant and there was also a traditional performance of dance, music and singing by the H’mong people.

Day 6 – Lao Chai, Tu Van Village, Trekking

137Roof top chillax area in Victoria Sapa Hotel137Roof top chillax area in Victoria Sapa Hotel
138Good place to enjoy the scenery and fresh air138Good place to enjoy the scenery and fresh air
139Fansipan mountain in the background139Fansipan mountain in the background
140Yummy pho!140Yummy pho!
141Busy Sunday Sapa Market141Busy Sunday Sapa Market
142Busy street142Busy street
143Black coffee, milo and milk143Black coffee, milo and milk
144On the way to Lao Chai Village144On the way to Lao Chai Village
145Villagers in Lao Chai145Villagers in Lao Chai
146Bird's eye view of Lao Chai146Bird's eye view of Lao Chai
147Treacherous slopes147Treacherous slopes
148Rice fields148Rice fields
149Muddy pathway149Muddy pathway
150More treacherous slopes!150More treacherous slopes!
151Old bridge151Old bridge
152New bridge152New bridge
153Rice milk wine making machine153Rice milk wine making machine
154Entrance to Ta Van village154Entrance to Ta Van village
155Villagers take turns to help each other build houses155Villagers take turns to help each other build houses

We spent this day trekking to home of the H’mong, Lao Chai and Tu Van Village. First off, we would like to warn all potential visitors that this trek is not for the faint of heart and can be treacherous at some points.

The trek takes you down into the valley, home of the H’mong and crossing some dangerous terrain. At one point, we were thinking hard to ourselves, why were we ACTUALLY RISKING OUR LIVES to see the village? There was one point where a false step would literally lead to our fall of death. Thank the Lord, we arrived safely!

Having said that, we have to mention that the views were fantastic. We also visited the Tu Van village, home to the Giay (pronounced at Tzai) people. It was nice to walk among these friendly people. After a day of trekking, both Kate and I had sore toes…

Day 7 – Chillax, Foot Massage

156View from Lucky cafe156View from Lucky cafe
157Chill out alfresco dining at Lucky cafe157Chill out alfresco dining at Lucky cafe
158More pho bo and pho ga158More pho bo and pho ga
159Coconut pie159Coconut pie
160Triple Decker Club sandwich and 1 litre beer at Legends Beer160Triple Decker Club sandwich and 1 litre beer at Legends Beer
161Monument of King Le Thai To161Monument of King Le Thai To
162Roadside fried food stuff...meat roll and prawn roll162Roadside fried food stuff...meat roll and prawn roll
163Magnolia cafe across Hanoi Boutique Hotel163Magnolia cafe across Hanoi Boutique Hotel
164Magnolia special instant noodles164Magnolia special instant noodles
165Pork fried in honey and onion165Pork fried in honey and onion
166Breakfast at hotel...Passionfruit juice and pho ga166Breakfast at hotel...Passionfruit juice and pho ga
167Yummy pastries at only 6000VND each!167Yummy pastries at only 6000VND each!
168Roadside Bun Ca for 20,000VND168Roadside Bun Ca for 20,000VND

This day, we spent just hanging out at various joints and trying all the local street foods. We tried various fried spring rolls, fish noodles, pho and french pastries. Especially enjoyed the pastries as they were fluffy and flavourful. The street fried foods were tasty too (think all fried foods are).

We then headed to a massage parlour for foot massage. It only cost 4USD for 30 minutes! We also tried beer at Legends Beer (Expensive) and had dinner at our favourite Magnolia Cafe just across the street.

Day 8 – Going Home

169Banana and sweet potato fritters...2 for 10,000VND169Banana and sweet potato fritters...2 for 10,000VND
170Roadside fritters stall170Roadside fritters stall
171Same meat roll but square shape and aunty sold it for 10,000VND!!!171Same meat roll but square shape and aunty sold it for 10,000VND!!!
172Sunset on the way to Noi Bai airport172Sunset on the way to Noi Bai airport

Before heading home, Tom had a haircut for 40,000VND and we had more street foods including fried meat dumplings, banana and sweet potato fritters.


It was a very fruitful trip to just experience the Vietnamese culture and its friendly people. There were so many things to see and do and the food was simply amazing. It was worth every cent of it and we will definitely visit Vietnam again.

He says: Cheap beer, nice views, good food, what else can I ask for?

She says: Crossing the streets can be challenging, remember our tip right at the start of this post. Walk at a constant pace! I enjoyed the view of Halong Bay, Mount Fansipan and the village in the valley. Cannot be experienced else where.

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