All Remote Desktop VPS comes with Full Administrator Access and the choice of several Windows O/S Versions to choose from like Windows 7, Windows 8, and All Server Versions
Virtual Desktop is the best way to save all your work and files. You may use your Windows VPS as your Virtual Desktop. It can be used just like your local computer and controlled with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). This is the best alternative to keeping files on your desktop or laptop which you can easily reformat.
This is the perfect solution to checking and responding to your emails using your very own email client like Microsoft Office, Windows Mail or even open source software like Open Office. You can operate our Windows VPS exactly as your local machine.

You can do all of the following

  • Browser the Internet Securely
  • Send and receive emails.
  • Install applications
  • Remote Desktop
  • Create and store confidential Files.

Our Virtual Desktops are protected by highly secured network firewalls and network monitoring. You do get full Administrator login details to your Virtual Desktop and you can administer your VPS server. Make good use of the freedom to install any application that serves you. Install anything from Firefox to Microsoft Office. If your Virtual Desktop is not powerful enough, you can perform an upgrade on the fly without loosing your data. Your Windows VPS is treated as your Virtual Desktop. This enables you to do as you wish on your server without anyone knowing.

Our Virtual Desktops are protected by highly secured network firewalls and network monitoring. You do get full Administrator login details to your Virtual Desktop and you can administer your VPS server. Make good use of the freedom to install any application that serves you. Install anything from Firefox to Microsoft Office. If your Virtual Desktop is not powerful enough, you can perform an upgrade on the fly without loosing your data. Your Windows VPS is treated as your Virtual Desktop. This enables you to do as you wish on your server without anyone knowing.