Unwanted TAP-Windows Adapter V9 and TAP-Win32 Adapter OAS drivers installing

Sorry for the extremely late response, but I had the same problem for a long time after upgrading from 8.1 to windows 10.

For no reason, random tap V9 and tap win32 adapters kept appearing, and after uninstalling them from the device manager, they’d appear back after reboot.

The solution for this problem for me was to do a combination of things.

1. Go to your device manager, and uninstall all the tap adapters if there are any.

2. Go to your system32 directory, and search for tap0901 and
tapoas. Delete all the files that show up using administrative rights if asked.

3. Obtain a program called PsExec, it can be found on the windows support forums as well, but I’m not sure if I am allowed to link here. A simple google search will do the trick. 

Run CMD with administrative rights, and use cd to navigate to the location where you’ve left the PsExec file. I had mine on the desktop, so for me  it was “cd C:\users\jurrian\desktop”. After that you want to run PsExec from the command prompt,
by typing “psexec.exe -i -d -s c:\windows\regedit”.

You’ll notice a registry window pop up, now be VERY CAREFUL! If you remove a wrong file and/or folder, you might brick or damage your pc in multiple ways,
I will not be held responsible for any other files you remove. If you are not sure what you are doing, please stop now.

Once regedit is open, you’ll notice 2 columns, the left one being the folder browser, and the right one being one that shows the files in the selected folder. Press
edit, and than find. Search for “tap0901”, once regedit has found your file, select the folder which the file is in on the left column and delete it entirely. Press f3 to search for the next file, and keep deleting the folders
containing something with tap0901.

Once no more tap0901 files can be found, do the same for a file called “tapoas”, and delete all the folders if there are any left.

Reboot your computer, and you should be permanently clean from those pesky files!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I’ll try my utmost best to help.