University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry

Interview Feedback

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Select Questions & Recent Responses

“I loved the Dr. Fa’s talk on interview day.”

“Nothing, they were great!”

“Keep doing what you’re doing, no complaints.”

“Keep doing what you are doing!”

“Keep doing what you do. Everyone was friendly and accessible, and they even knew my name when I arrived.”

“none! everyone in the admissions office is very friendly and prompt.”

“None. Very friendly staff.”

“none, they are very organized and a well constructed interview, great food and great feeling, call yourself lucky to be called for an interview from this school.”

“admission representatives are very very nice..”

“Explain a time you struggled in school and how did you overcome it?”

“What does humanism mean to you?”

“What was your dental experience journey so gar?”

“How do ethics play a role in dentistry?”

“The faculty member had my entire AADSAS application underlined, highlighted, and written all over with notes. Be prepared to answer anything and everything on your AADSAS application and the importance of your activities/choices etc.”

“I wasn’t asked a single direct question related to my motivations, strengths, weaknesses, etc by my faculty interviewer. The interviewer knew my file and my stats and clearly stated at the end of the interview that he just wanted to make sure I was “a regular person.” Even when I tried to relate what we were talking about (golf, family, his background) back to dental school, it was very apparent that he just wanted to have a friendly chat. It was very relaxing and pleasant. The student interview asked me a few questions, but it was still very conversational in nature. One such question was “Was there a time when you collaborated with other students in your group without expecting anything in return?” UoP was very big on emphasizing the “family” nature of their classes.”

“what do you like to do in your free time?”

“Tell me about your experience as a dental assistant.”

“Tell me about your childhood and your family.”

“what did you do in us? about the home country. and realted questions. what kind of work did i do in us?”

“Why Dentistry”

“What are the 3 most important qualities that a dentist should possess?”

“If you knew you wanted to be a dentist, then why did you apply so late?”

“There wasn’t even a specific question, she just asked me questions related to my personal statement and interesting things I saw during dental shadowing/experiences. We met in her office that she shared with another lady so it was definitely laid back. ”

“What do your parents do?”

“What would you do if you saw a classmate cheating?”

“how do you think community college compares to university?”

“Which other schools did you apply to?”

“(paraphrased & summarized) start off by telling me a little bit about you, where you come from, and how you got here to where you are today, with dentistry, with UOP, and in general.”

“Are there any questions you wanted to ask?”

“What was the last book you read? Why dentistry? What do you do for fun? What do you think your first year will be like? What are you looking for in your future classmates?”

“Tell me about your hometown”

“What are your weaknesses. I told her and she said, “uh oh.” Bad sign”

“Since you have only been taking a few classes a semester, what else were you doing with your time?”

“Tell me what happened during your first year of college.”

“What are your weaknesses?”

“Why dentistry?”

“Why did you decide to change careers to dentistry?”

“Tell me about the post-baccalaureate program you were in.”

“Are you aware of cultural night in SF?”

“The cheating ethical question”

“Every question was related to me and who I am, you should expect the same.”

“Tell me about yourself”

“Tell me about your backround.”

“Why U o P?”

“Why do you want to be a dentist?”

“Tell me a difficult situation you encountered in your life and how you resolve the problem..?”

“about the background i mean my family background wat were my parents qualifications.”

“What do you see yourself doing after graduating from dental school?”

“How did you like you undergrad?”

“What qualities do you have that you think would make you a good dentist, not a good dental student, but a good dentist?”

“what are your future goals?

“Why UOP?”

“Who is someone you admire and why?”

“Tell me something not in your file?”

“Why did you choose dentistry?”

“I saw you worked a lot of different summer/part-time jobs, how do you think these prepared you for dental school? (None were dentistry-related)”

“How do you keep patients coming back to your practice?”

“if i knew what a prenup is.. lol”

“The cheating ethical question.”

“What extracurricular activities do you see yourself being involved in during dental school?”

“wanted to know about india( my home country)”

“Students asked interesting questions, more in a joking manner, and asked stuff like what bugs you, which of these characteristics of a dentist is least important to the dental office”

“What are ure future plans?”

“Do you think science is needed in dentistry?”

“Why not medicine?”

“how do you think community college classes compare to university? (i’ve been to mostly community college, some uni)”

“What would I do if you caught another student cheating?”

“So, they actually put oil on the bowling lanes, and that affects the way the ball rolls?”

“Do you have any questions for us?”

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? Does anybody know how many floors is the building? (9 floors)”

“How do you perform under pressure? Give example”

“What about you will make you a great dentist? What about you will make dentistry most difficult?”

“I didn’t really get asked too many questions, my interviewer pretty much just told me stories about dentistry back in the day and I jumped in during relavant parts of the conversation. My faculty interviewer knew my file very well though.”

“Do you work better in groups or individually?”

“How will you decide between the schools who accept you?”

“What exactly is the predental program at your school like?”

“Nothing interesting. As you already know by now. Very laid back. We talked about sports, Title IX, and very little about dentistry and myself. If you don’t have a personanlity, that can be a problem. ”

“Explain the post-baccalaureate program you attended and what you got out of it.”

“Are you aware of the cultural night at San Francisco?”

“Whether my piano playing is fit for Carnegie Hall. ”

“The typical, “If you caught another student cheating, what would you do, and remember there are no wrong choices?””

“Nothing was very interesting. Just generic questions. Sort of predictable.”

“Nothing, very conversation like. ”

“tell me your life, you have 50 minutes. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“What makes you willing to pay so much for your dental education ? (How can you justify it)”

“Why did your parents come to the U.S.?”

“Whether or not you should offer to do free procedures for patients who cannot afford them.”

“Would your dad mind if you were to become a dentist?”

“How was your school work affected by events in you life?”

“If you caught someone in your class cheating, how would you handle the situation”

“Who is your favorite philosopher? ”

“Show me the class schedule and ask me what did I see that is different ?”

“Tell me about your home country and you’re families transition here.”

“So, tell me about yourself… anything you want to tell me you can say.”

“You went to school in a diverse location (NC). Would you have any problem interacting with a diverse group of paients?”

“What kinds of activities do you do that require manual dexterity? ”

“Do you see yourself living in San Francisco? And why do you like this city?”

“nothing really. the questions were all pretty general like how did you get interested in dentistry.”

“How do you like San Francisco?”

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