University of Colorado Denver School of Dentistry

Interview Feedback

Results Overview

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Select Questions & Recent Responses

“Record next interview prep session.”

“Let us go after the interviews. They did a financial aid presentation in the afternoon and I nearly fell asleep.”

“Keep up the good work. Please limit the interviewees number to 4 times.. but not 6 times the class size. You guys do a great job. Keep up the great work.”

“None. Very friendly and attentive.”

“I wasn’t really thinking about eating a whole lot but a nicer lunch instead of snacks would have been nice”


“applied to International Student Program . The admissions coordinator leaves a lot to be desired.”

“Helpful and cooperative.”

“Organize the interview process better. Have the current dental student interact in a better setting where everyone can engage in conversation, not in a lobby.”

“Ethical: you caught a friend cheating.”

“What’s something you recently read?”

“What is an issue facing dentistry”

“How many schools did you apply to?”

“Why are you interested in dentistry?”

“If you decided not to do dentistry, what would you do?”

“You can invite three people to have dinner with you– who are they?”

“Tell me about yourself”

“What book are you reading now and would you recommend it?”

“What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?”

“What are your future goals, besides getting into dental school and owning your own practice?”

“Please explain your busiest semester.”

“If you got in here would you actually move out to Colorado (I’m from NC)?”

“Why dentistry”

“A student is cheating, what do you do?”

“Why dentistry, what are your strengths/weaknesses, what book are you reading?”

“Why Colorado?”

“They took direct quotes from my personal statement and then asked me to explain, elaborate, give an example, etc. ”

“Name all the Dental Schools you applied to? That’s an extensive list… why not Harvard? If someone else could sit in for you today who would it be and name one good and bad thing they would say about you. What is unique about you that will benefit you as a dentist?”

“I noticed that you’ve taken a lot of music classes. How do you think you could combine your passion for music and dentistry?”

“Tell us about you and your dental experience.”

“the address of the dental office where I volunteered”

“Is your wife supportive of you going to dental school?”

“If i told you I was concerned with you being able to keep up w/ the work load the first year, what would you say to that?”


“What made you choose dentistry?”

“What should we tell AdCom?”

“What are your plans when you get out of dental school?”

“Why would you choose UC over other schools that you might get accepted to?”

“You have a great RC score, and a high GPA. But GPAs are inflated nowadays. (There really was no question here, just them criticizing high GPAs. WTF? How do you respond to that?)”


“What was the neatest dental procedure you saw?”

“What are your concerns about dentistry?”

“How did you decide on pursuing dentistry, and why do you want to attend CU SOD?”

“Why have you been to so many colleges?”

“Tell us about your art class/artwork?”

“Tell us about yourself”

“Besides the ‘most difficult/interesting question’ they really just wanted to get to know you. The interview was much like a conversation.”

“Why CU? Did you apply to other schools?”

“Why CU?”

“Why have your grades changed so much in the past few years
Why dentistry
What qualities do you have that would make you a good dentist”

“What other schools did you apply to?”

“What schools did you apply to and why?”

“most recent book read? why?”

“I f your gilrfriend had to describe you to ther parents, what would she say in five sentences or less?”

“Is this accurate about your high school rank?”

“If your clone came in (DAT, GPA, etc.) why should we choose you?”

“What do you think is the most pressing issue facing dentistry?”

“What is one challenge you think you will face entering dental school?”

“Dinner guests question”

“What is your philosophy behind choosing dentistry?”

“If you could not be a dentist, what else would you be?”

“What do you do in your free time?”

“How do you use your time wisely?”

“What would you like to tell the committee when we are reviewing your file (for admission) ?”

“Do you have any family connections or reasons that you would want to live in Colorado?”

“Have you ever run a marathon?”

“If you were to have it perfectly as you wish, describe your life in 10 years.”

“Dec 1 comes around and in the mail you get an acceptance letter from every school you applied to but CU. What school do you go to and why?”

“If your best friend could sit in for you today, what would they say about you?”

“These questions were very typical dental interview questions from everything I’ve read on SDN and heard from other dental interviewees. Also, the interviewers were definitely kind and not trying to make me uncomfortable. Definitely know your application and personal statement – they will ask!”

“Nothing in particular.”

“If you could do anything (as a career, but one that is non-academic, so not dentistry), what would it be and why?”

“What was the last book you read? (Answer) No, no, I don’t want to hear about some ‘chick-flick’ pick a different book to talk about.”

“How many schools did you apply to and what were they?”

“What was the last book you read?”

“We have a very interesting pool of applicants, Why do you think we should choose you for this program?”

“I was asked about fluorization and fluoride varnishes. I also had questions about my home country.”

“What was the most difficult thing you’ve had to overcome in your life?”

“what kind of academic talent do you have as far as learning this easily or hard work? Is is natural ability to memorize, or more conceptual?”

“Funny thing, I wasn’t asked any questions!”

“Asked me about sports”

“What do you want us to tell the adcom?”

“What book have you read recently that has changed you or your outlook on life?”

“How would you celebrate with the dentist you shadow if you were accepted?”

“Tell me about your mom.”

“If you could do anything, unrelated to dentistry or scholastics, what would it be and why?”

“If you could have someone come speak on your behalf, what would they say about you?
What do you want in a dental school?”

“What do you want us, as your representatives to the admissions committee, to know about you? (A closing statement to the interview)”

“If you could not be here today, who would you have sent as your representative? What would they have told us about you?”

“Do you consider dentistry to be medicine?

“How/why are you fluent in the Samoan language?”

“What was the last movie you saw and how did it influence you?”

“I was asked a lot about my art class and the type of art work I like, which most schools hadn’t addressed for as long of a time.”

“Name a character in a recent movie that has changed your outlook on life.”

“Which of your classes has prepared you the most for the profession of dentistry?”

“If I tell you that you are doing everything wrong (during class) what are you going to do?”

“Do you want to specialize?”

“Why have your grades changed so dramatically in the past few years?”

“What do you do to relax?”


“”So it says here that both of your parents are deceased?” I made a mistake on my AADSAS application stating that both my parents were dead (they aren’t…thought it was asking about my grandparents–stupid). Since my interview date was set on short notice (8 days), they had not yet received the correction form from AADSAS. I explained the situation and they didn’t seem to think anything of it. ”

“it’s friday night… time to take your wife out on the town, where are you going and what are you doing?”

“What would you do in dentistry didn’t exist? (i.e. there was no more tooth dacay or any of the problems that a dentist deals with?)”

“Is this accurate about your high school rank?”

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