University of California Los Angeles School of Dentistry Interview Feedback

“Overall, I enjoyed the whole interview day. The other interviewees were super nice and some are attending with me. The tour guide was super helpful and had more information on the school. The student panel could’ve been better.”

“Be prepared, and hold the conversation”

“Love the school and will be attending!”

“During the interview, you know that UCLA is on top of it. Great faculty. Great students. You can only set yourself up to succeed by attending this school. My interviewer asked me so many times how I felt I would manage high stress that I felt as though attending UCLA would mean giving up a well-rounded life for at least 4 years. For some, that’s doable. No problem. Small price to pay for success.For others, perhaps it just isn’t…due to family constraints or otherwise. This was something I needed to heavily consider when making my decision.”

“Overall, great school. Facilities are older. Though the patient pool is not as strong, the clinics seemed very busy the day I toured during my interview. Strong faculty, students are friendly, but seem really exhausted. Though, UCLA will hands down prepare you for a successful dental career. Go Bruins!”

“Number one dental school in the nation. Would attend in a heartbeat. Will probably never get read but here’s some reconnaissance info: doing better than UCSF-especially if you have OMFS in mind. Oh and if you plan to practice in Southern California, then UCLA is the way to go.”

“My interviewer didn’t ask me any questions, we just talked about subjects we had in common”

“UCLA rocks!”

“felt kind of bad that there was not a single recent feedback for this school for this cycle, so i decided to give this a go.
interview day started with an essay. prompt was straightfoward so don’t worry. this was followed by an introduction about the school and curriculum then financial aid. then i had my interview with dr. lafever. the first thing she told me was not to be nervous, b/c to have an interview at ucla is a really good thing and that i was in a really good position. that was good to hear. the whole thing was a totally chill and relaxed conversation, i wasn’t even asked the usual questions. for the most part, she told me about the opportunities that were available and how the school would suit me, rather than what i could offer. after interview, we all went to get sized for scrubs and a white coat, which would totally suck if you didn’t get in. but that was cool. afterwards, we went on the tour. facilities are pretty nice, not brand new or anything but good enough. there was this little student lounge that had a pool table and some other fun stuff in there…that was pretty random. we then had lunch with 4 dental students, one from each year, who were very frank and informative, so ask tons of questions here. and that pretty much wraps up the day. i think there’s only two things that i did not like…paper records and the mandatory laptop. they even make you sign a piece of paper saying that you understand that you would be required to purchase their laptop. otherwise, ucla is legit. it’s located right the main campus so you have access to all facilities, IM sports, and activities. definitely my top choice. good luck people.”

“i interviewed with dr. carol bibb, who was so down to earth and easy to talk to. she basically just wanted to learn more about some of my extracurriculars, and the whole interview was conversation-like. she also answered a few of my questions to wrap up the interview and was so cool to talk to.”

“Understand that if you get an interview unless you seriously blow the interview you’re going to be accepted if there are still seats so don’t stress, be professional and be yourself. My DATs, AA/TS 19/19, are well below the average and I was amazed to get an interview and am even more amazed that I was accepted so don’t stress they like you. Also as others have said be prepared to write why you have unique characteristics that will positively contribute to the school (or something like that). If you get an interview they liked something in your application that made them think you will contribute positively.
Last comment is kind of an interviewer tip for beginners but always keep your right hand free for a hand shake. Immediately after my interview we stood up and shook hands and I let my guard down and put my pen in my right hand we went back to the room with the other prospective students. Once there she went to shake my hand again in front of everyone so I awkwardly had to switch my pen to my left hand (the double goodbye shake got me so don’t let your guard down…ever).”

“I interviewed with Dr. Craig Woods, who was awesome and amazing. The interview was basically a conversation rather than him asking really pointed, specific questions. He had really read my application and we talked about the content of my essays. By the way, I just found out I got into UCLA – and I’m definitely going! I think UCLA’s the best school I visited and maybe the best one in the country! :)”

“If you get an interview, you’re pretty much in.”

“UCLA is a great school. I went there as an undergrad and I am going there for dental school. I feel so blessed.”

“If time could turn back, I wish my interviewer could change! Good luck everyone!”

“The day beings with a 30 min essay. Then there are 2 presentation. After this there is a short tour and a one-on-one with a dental student.Next is the inteview with someone form the admissions board.Finally, they make you check you transcripts and measure you for scrubs.”

“UCLA accepts most (if not all) of the people they interview. The whole process was very stress-free. The interview itself was even more stress-free; the inteviewer didn’t really ask me any questions. We got fitted for scrubs and coats as well. ”

“Overall, a very interesting interview. I got grilled, but in a way that was good since I don’t necessarily enjoy talking about myself un-prodded. It was stressful, yes, but the questions were all on things that I had done. It was only stressful because of their tone of voice and the specificity/detail they desired of my answers. Other than that, it was a good interview day. I got in too, so I guess I didn’t do as poorly as I had thought. UCLA HERE I COME!”

“Very relaxed, conversational. They asked questions and I gave them straight answers. Loved making them smile and laugh at times. Asked a question that actually instigated a friendly argument between my two interviewers…needless to say it was quite entertaining to watch. Both of my interviewers really seemed to enjoy the time we spent together, left with a very warm handshake that seemed very encouraging. I really hope to get in, this is my top choice!!”

“I loved everything about this school. #1 dental school without a doubt”

“Stress free. I was not asked very many questions, my interviewer was mostly telling me what UCLA could offer me. ”

“Wrote an essay in the first half hour. Our question was ”what qualities can you bring to the class of 2012?” There were 8 of us split into 2 groups of 4. Tour was too short. Wish I could have seen more. Getting sized for lab coats was very exciting. ”

“It went really well. I was pleasantly surprised when the interviewer suggested that I run for a class officer position.
Other than that, I didn’t have impressions of the school before i got there, and I felt really good about the school when I left :)”

“It was a really chill interview, all the staff are nice and helpful ”

“Great experience. The students impressed me the most. The majority of them I talked to all got into great schools and had no regrets of their decision to attend UCLA. They love it there and they love how the students feel like part of a family as well as how great the faculty treats them and listens to them. No one hid the fact that the curriculum is very demanding, but they all said that time management is the key. From 4th year students to 1st year students we talked to, they stressed how great the faculty treats them and values their opinions. They also mentioned the clinical portion has improved each year, and there is more than enough patients, especially the right patients, to get a great clinical background and be prepared for the boards. Their board scores are high, lots of opportunity to specialize, and great didactics.”

“The interview overall was a very good experience. SDN actually helped a lot. The student’s feedback was pretty accurate in that the interview questions were not very tough, and that UCLA is a great school!”

“My PI is one of the interviewers for the dental school, so he gave me a heads-up on what to expect. He said it would be pretty easy and chill, and that most people they interview normally get accepted (so long as they do not do anything stupid. He interviewed this one kid a few years back who called him by his first name! that kid did not get in). The essay portion is relatively easy. There’s nothing you can do to prepare for it. I was told that they only want to see if you can actually put coherent thoughts together and that you did not pay someone else to write your personal statement. I really hope i get in here, i’m just slightly worried that bc it’s so late even if i do get in, i’ll be on the waiting list =/”

“We started with an essay. Don’t fret, the essay is simple and doesnt require and preperations. the interview was a good amount of time, enough to get a good feel of who i was and nothing to stressful. i had a nice lunch with the student interviewer who was very nice and gave me her honest opinion of the school. at the end we took measurements for white coats…very exciting. ”

“I had this really cool guy interview me who was very passionate about his work and got me excited. He made me want to go. The students seemed happy, the education seemed thorough, pretty good school in general. (much better than the other LA schools)”

“The school is very nice and the students seem very happy. The area around the school is beautiful. Don’t stress, if you get an interview they are interested in you. If I get in, I am going for sure.”

“I found my interview experience to be extremely gratifying. The professor who interviewed me was very nice and made me feel very comfortable. Overall, the students as well as staff members were very welcoming. The school’s program really aims to prepare students for a solid career in general practice or as a strong foundation for those who want to specialize afterwards. I was very impressed by everything UCLA dental has to offer- it’s no wonder they have such a strong reputation in the field. ”

“My # 1 choice of d-school. Facility is good, and faculties are nice, welcome, helpful. I really like its small # of interviewing people. Mine is only 5 people that day, which is really good because we got to know each other. Therefore, I had teh best interview experience here. The only concern is its poor patient pool situation. ”

“overall very positive: write essay, faculty interview, student interview, tour of school, student store to get measured for lab coats/scrubs”

“First- write an essay
Second- admissions and finaid presentations
Third- faculty interview
Fourth- student interviews w/lunch
Fifth- review file
Sixth- tour
Last- lab coat measurements
The day went from 10am to 2pm. It was not stressful– but it was very businesslike. I wish I had been mailed more extensive information about the school before the interview. Unlike others, I did eat lunch during my student interview (he took me downstairs and we ate as we talked).
The actual interview was more conversation rather than questions. There were nine of us there that day, and all the other interviewees were great. The school doesn’t tell you stats about how full the class is, what percentage of interviewees they accept, or when you should expect to hear back. But, they admissions staff is very nice.”

“The interview was overall relaxed. We started with the essay. Then we had the usual information session on the school and financial aid. We then either met with our student interviewer, faculty interviewer or reviewed our transcripts. We had a tour of the school and lastly we were measured for coats, scrubs and gloves. ”

“UCLA School of Dentistry is in the very nice neighborhood. I love the surrounding college community and So Cal weather is awesome. The clinical facilities weren’t as bad as other people described. I thought it was nice. The faculty member were all very approachable and easy to talk to. The main thing that got to me was the 2 page essay, but you don’t need to sweat if you’re a good writer. If not, don’t worry. I suck at writing as you can tell by now but I got my acceptance email 3 days later. Good luck! ”

“So take a seat in the admissions office with other appicants(4) and then you are handed a folder with info about the school. You then meet informally with a student and ask them questions, not really an interview from my experience. Then you meet with one or two faculty members for a personal interview. There might be some waiting around so bring something to read. You get fitted for srubs while others are interviewing. There is a short tour followed by a financial overview and you are done!”

“It was fun. I likeed it.”

“It wasn’t that bad. The student interview was more of a Q&A lunch thing. ”

“I like the people very much. I think that the staffs are very friendly and care about their students in general. I saw students coming in and out of office all the time seeking helps from the staff. ”

“UCLA is an excellent institution, and the dental school definitely continues on the same line. Every aspect that anyone could look for in a dental school is provided at UCLA. The campus, weather, people, and activities are more than anyone could ask for. Not just the Harvard of the west coast, it’s sooo much more. ”

“I liked the honesty. They didn’t give a show like other schools did. We came early and left early.”

“overall, the interview wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be. the two faculty members that interviewed me were extremely nice and were very personable. ”

“The two doctors who interviewed me are really nice. As a matter of fact, people in UCLA dental school are very nice. Even though the curriculum is harsh sometimes, faculty are willing to help. I love the school very much.”

“We had bagels and OJ provided by the Class of 2008 while everybody arrived. There were 9 of us that day. We then wrote the essay and had a financial aid presentation. Then we had out 1-on-1 interview with the faculty followed by an “interview” with a student (but it was more like a lunch talk). Then we went over our pre-reqs to make sure they were all done or will be done by next fall. Then we had the lab coat fitting followed by a tour of the school, labs, and clinic.”

“I was a UCLA undergrad and did lots of research at the UCLA School of Dentistry, so I have had a lot of exposure to the school before. I think that UCLA has a lot to offer, and the location is as good as it gets. There are some flaws with the program as far as preparing the students to be clinical practioners and getting the fourth years enough patients however. Was the top of my list by far, now it is closely followed by many others, possibly passed by some. ”

“Very laid back – the interviewers were very friendly (There is a 2 on 1 interview – 2 faculty to one student). ”

“My interview was held in the morning, so the student interview commenced over breakfast with muffins. The faculty interview was done on a 2:1 basis, where I was interviewed by 2 faculty members. They were really nice and friendly! ”

“Great experience. The people there (students and staff) were extremely nice and eager to help (i looked like a lost girl with my suit on).”

“This interview wasn’t too bad at all. Two faculty members reviewed my file, and then I was called into the room and they took turns asking questions. After they finished with their questions, I asked a few of my own and then we shot the breeze for awhile. They even told me the interview went well and I would be accepted! The rest of the day is spent touring the dental school, having lunch with a student, going over financial aid considerations, and making sure no items are missing from your file (transcripts, letters of rec and such).”