Universal internet access
The digital divide and global inequality.
The United Nations recognizes internet access as a fundamental human right, stating:
“ … (T)he exercise of human rights, in particular the right to freedom of expression, on the Internet is an issue of increasing interest and importance as the rapid pace of technological development enables individuals all over the world to use new information and communication technologies.”
The UN argues that “the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online.” Ideally, every human would have access to all the tools and information that the internet provides. However, without affordable and reliable internet access, these ambitions cannot be actualized.
This disparity, often called the “digital divide,” represents a major source of global inequality. Millions upon millions of people around the world are without the myriad benefits afforded to those of us with an internet connection. They cannot use it to gain valuable information, seek aid, or express themselves.
Universal internet access.
Wi-Fi is available in more areas than ever before, but universal internet access remains just out of reach. Considering the rate of growth of internet connectivity and the current lack of access, is there a future in which we can eliminate global equalities and achieve universal internet access?
The answer to that question entails some good news and bad news. Experts predict that we will indeed achieve universal internet access — but this isn’t likely until at least 2050.
Further, we will need to continue to assess whether people who technically have internet access actually have a sufficient level of access. For example, the International Telecommunications Union defines “internet access” as being able to get online at least once every three months. This definition arguably does not constitute an adequate level of internet access. Further, fast internet speeds are required to access many forms of content, making reliable internet a necessity for educational purposes.
In short, universal access is not only a possibility — it is an inevitability. However, it will take at least 30 years to materialize. Even when it does, there will continue to be questions about whether the levels of internet access around the globe are adequate.
Paths to progress.
In order for universal internet access to become a reality, there are several steps that could be taken:
Increased competition: With increased competition comes increased incentive for internet service providers to provide superior service at a better price. This leads to a better experience for consumers globally.
Humanitarian efforts: To best serve those in need, humanitarian organizations will need to partner with ISPs to improve internet access in critical areas. This will bolster humanitarian efforts and inch the world closer to universal internet access.
Further improvements in mobile technology: In areas where broadband access will be difficult to implement, improvements to cellular data and Wi-Fi internet access may be able to help, as could innovations like portable routers. As this mobile technology becomes more affordable and efficient, it may become a powerful ally in the struggle for global internet access.
Improved cybersecurity: As internet technology advances, so too do the methods employed by malicious actors. This can put people at an increased risk for identity theft, among other potential hazards. Users will need to learn cybersecurity tools and best practices, including cell phone security considerations.
The above paths to progress could expedite our journey to universal access and bolster the affordability and reliability of internet connections across the world. This would represent major strides in global equality.